论著 Original Article
miR-126靶向EGFL7抑制乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231 上皮-间质转化
MiR-126 targeting EGFL7 inhibits epithelial mesenchymal transition in breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231
来曲唑对睾丸间质细胞系TM3 增殖、凋亡能力的影响及作用机制
Effect of letrozole on the proliferation and apoptosis of TM3 in mesenchymal cell line of testis and its mechanism
miR-122 在结肠癌细胞系HCT116 中的表达 及其对增殖和迁移的影响
Expression of miR-122 in colon carcinoma cell line HCT116 and its effect on cell proliferation and migration
乳腺癌首发肺转移38 例临床病理特征及预后因素
Clinicopathological features and prognostic factor analysis for 38 breast cancer patients with first-episode lung metastasis
Relationship between hepatitis B serum markers and pre-S1 antigen with hepatitis B virus DNA quantitative detection
30 例高危多系统性朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症的临床病理特征并文献复习
Clinicopathological features and literature review of 30 cases of high-risk multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis in children
甲状腺结节的彩色多普勒血流Adler 分级对超声引导下细针穿刺细胞学结果的影响
Effect of color Doppler flow Adler grading of thyroid nodules on the cytological results of fine needle aspiration guided by ultrasound
乳腺浸润性导管癌剪切波弹性成像:定量弹性值 与蛋白分子水平表达的相关性
Shear-wave elastography of breast invasive ductal carcinoma: correlation between quantitative elasticity value and protein expression
Causes and characteristics of clinical and imaging of corpus callosum lesions with high signal in diffusion-weighted imaging
自动弹力线痔疮套扎术辅以黏膜下注射对轻中度混合痔的 临床疗效
Clinical effect of automatic elastic wire ligation for hemorrhoids combined with submucosal injection in the treatment of mild to moderate mixed hemorrhoids
Clinical significance of subtypes of dendritic cells in children with cough allergic asthma
Efficacy of clostridium butyricum triple viable bacterial powders and aerosol inhalation in the treatment of capillary bronchitis and the influence on immunoprotein
清金化痰活血方治疗痰热郁肺型慢性阻塞性肺疾病 急性加重期的疗效评价
Therapeutic effect of Qingjin Huatan Huoxue decoction on acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with phlegm-heat obstructing lung syndrome
β2 肾上腺素能受体基因A46G 和C79G 多态性与慢性阻塞性肺疾病发病关系的荟萃分析
A Meta-analysis on investigating the association of ADRB2 genetic polymorphisms with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
妊娠期糖尿病孕妇血清HSP70 水平升高并促进胎盘间质纤维化
Serum HSP70 levels increases in pregnant women with gestational diabetes and promotes placental interstitial fibrosis
二黄益肾胶囊治疗气阴亏虚型 IV 期糖尿病肾病的临床疗效
Clinical efficacy of Erhuang Capsule benefit for Kidney for treatment of stage IV diabetic kidney disease with deficiency of Qi and Yin syndrome
Comparison of the analgesic effects of caudal block with different doses of dexmedetomidine on postoperative analgesia after pediatric circumcision
湖北恩施地区土家族人群CYP4F2 基因多态性及血清硒含量与冠状动脉疾病的相关性
Association of CYP4F2 gene polymorphisms and serum selenium levels with coronary artery disease in Tujia ethnic group in Enshi, Hubei
系统性红斑狼疮患者产超广谱β 内酰胺酶大肠埃希菌感染的流行病学趋势及风险预测模型建立
Infections caused by extended spectrum β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli in systemic lupus erythematosus patients: Prevalence and predictive model
Effect of lower limb rehabilitation robot combined with children’s sling exercise training system on gross motor function in children with movement disorders
Application of case management of multidisciplinary cooperation in nutritional support for postoperative chemotherapy patients with gastric cancer
Effect of self-management intervention on self-care ability, self-efficacy and quality of life in patients with acute leukemia
综述 Review