论著 Original Article
Protective effects of Senegenin on hippocampal neurons in acute intracerebral hemorrhage rats
Fas 死亡结构域相关蛋白对颈动脉成形术后大鼠血管狭窄和 平滑肌细胞增殖的影响
Effects of death domain-associated protein on vascular stenosis and smooth muscle cells proliferation in rats after carotid angioplasty
Fine needle aspiration cytological features of thyroid papillary carcinoma combined with Hashimoto disease
PD-L1 在甲状腺乳头状癌中的表达及意义
Programmed cell death-ligand 1 expression and significance in thyroid papillary carcinoma
FOXC2 和E-cadherin 在宫颈鳞癌组织中的表达及临床意义
Expression and clinical significance of FOXC2 and E-cad in cervical squamous carcinoma tissues
长链非编码RNA-HULC 调控肺腺癌细胞的增殖和侵袭
Down-regulation of long non-coding RNA-HULC suppresses cell proliferation and invasion in lung adenocarcinoma
金属硫蛋白1X 在非小细胞肺癌中的表达及临床意义
Expression of metallothionein 1X in non-small cell lung cancer and its significances
多耐药基因 1 及多药耐药相关蛋白 1 在雷帕霉素靶蛋白相关性难治性癫痫病变中的表达与细胞分布
Expression and cell distribution of multidrug resistance gene 1 and multidrug resistance associated protein 1 in intractable epilepsy associated with rapamycin target protein lesion
595 例初诊儿童急性髓系白血病患者36 种融合基因筛查分析
Analysis of 36 fusion genes in 595 cases of de novo pediatric acute myeloid leukemia
NR5A2 基因多态性与女性胃癌患者临床病理特征及预后的关系
Association of NR5A2 gene polymorphisms with the clinicopathological characteristics and survival of female patients with gastric cancer
一次性手术洞巾联合脑外科3L 贴膜在经皮肾镜碎石术中的应用
Application of disposable surgical hole towel combined with brain surgery 3L film in percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Effect of operation combined with compound se-rich Chinese Angelica Herba Epimedium mixture on the quality of semen
Related factors of prostate specific antigen flare phenomenon in patients with Castration-resistant prostate cancer after treatment with abiraterone acetate
津力达颗粒联合硫辛酸治疗2 型糖尿病性周围神经病变的疗效
Efficacy of Jinlida granules combined with alpha-lipoic acid on the treatment of type 2 diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Effect of mouse nerve growth factor on dysphagia in patients after acute cerebral infarction
剪切波弹性成像结合 Ki-67 指数预测 Miller-Panye 分级法评估乳腺癌新辅助化疗后的病理反应性
Combination of Shear-wave elastography and Ki-67 index for predicting the neoadjuvant chemotherapy pathological response evaluated by Miller-Panye grade in patients with breast cancer
左心室舒张功能不全患者左心房僵硬度指数与左心室舒张功能和 N 末端B 型利钠肽前体的相关性
Correlation between left atrial stiffness index and left ventricular diastolic function and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide in patients with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction
术前2 h 口服碳水化合物对择期剖宫产术后早期母乳喂养的影响
Effect of oral carbohydrate 2 h before operation on early breastfeeding after elective cesarean section
Predictive value of prognostic nutritional index for postoperative complications of esophageal cancer
Effect of progressive muscle relaxation training on postoperative rehabilitation of lower extremity fracture
中青年全髋关节置换术后患者自我感受负担的临床现状 及其影响因素
Clinical status and related factors of self-perceived burden in young and middle-aged patients with total hip arthroplasty
Effects of acupuncture, hyperbaric oxygen and basic rehabilitation training on electroencephalogram and clinical symptoms in children patients with dysphagia after viral encephalitis
Application of head scrape therapy combined five-tone therapy on chronic fatigue syndrome patients with liver qi stagnation syndrome
Correlation between psychological distress and stigma and self-compassion in parents of children with autism
Investigation and benefit research of influenza vaccination in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
综述 Review
Research progress in differentiation of parietal epithelial cells as progenitor cells into podocytes
Research progress in risk factors in female patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease