
32 例小汗腺汗孔瘤的临床病理特征

作者: 1刘军, 2汪五清, 1袁春艳, 1陈永其, 1浦文兰, 1洪亮, 1谢蕴
1 上海市闵行区中心医院病理科,上海 201199
2 上海市闵行区中心医院皮肤科,上海 201199
通讯: 刘军 Email: liuj2918@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2019.10.009
基金: 上海闵行区科学技术委员会项目 (2014MHZ047)。


目的:探讨小汗腺汗孔瘤(eccrine poroma,EP)的临床病理特征、诊断与鉴别诊断。方法:对32例EP进行临床特点和病理形态学观察,对3例EP行免疫组织化学染色,并行文献复习。结果:EP临床表现为单个肉色或有颜色的丘疹、斑块或结节,表面光滑或疣状,好发于四肢(n=20)、躯干(n=6)和头面部(n=4)皮肤,中老年男女多见(平均年龄57.2岁,男女比为7:9),临床容易误诊为脂溢性角化病、肉芽肿、色素痣、疣、黑色素瘤。EP镜下常表现为境界清楚的从表皮基底延伸到真皮层的肿瘤,由增殖的立方形或汗孔样细胞组成,伴有单一形态的卵圆形细胞核、高血管化间质、导管分化、偶尔形成囊肿,明显小灶坏死、核分裂或透明细胞变。免疫组织化学示EP肿瘤细胞p63,CK14,CK5/6阳性,EMA,CK7局灶区域弱阳性,Ki-67增殖指数3%~5%;肿瘤内导管结构CK19,CEA阳性,CK7,EMA弱阳性,散在分布于表皮肿瘤巢的树突状黑色素样细胞S100阳性。结论:EP的发病率低并缺乏典型性临床表现,临床误诊率高,诊断主要依靠组织病理学,免疫组织化学可辅助鉴别诊断。虽然本病为良性肿瘤,手术切除可以治愈,但少数长期存在的汗孔瘤有可能恶变,因而可疑病例需长期随访。
关键词: 小汗腺汗孔瘤;临床病理特征;免疫组织化学染色;诊断;鉴别诊断

Clinicopathologic characteristics of 32 cases of eccrine poroma

Authors: 1LIU Jun, 2WANG Wuqing, 1YUAN Chunyan, 1CHEN Yongqi, 1PU Wenlan, 1HONG Liang, 1XIE Yun
1 Department of Pathology, Shanghai Minhang District Central Hospital, Shanghai 201199, China
2 Department of Dermatology, Shanghai Minhang District Central Hospital, Shanghai 201199, China

CorrespondingAuthor: LIU Jun Email: liuj2918@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2019.10.009

Foundation: This work was supported by Shanghai Minhang District Science and Technology Commission Project (2014MHZ047), China.


Objective: To explore the clinical and pathological features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of eccrine poroma (EP). Methods: Clinical characteristics and pathological morphology were analyzed in 32 cases of EP, with immunohistochemical staining (3 cases), and review of the relevant literature. Results: EPs clinically presented as solitary flesh-colored or pigmented papule, plaque, or nodule with a smooth or verrucous surface, appeared most commonly on the extremities or limbs, followed by the trunk, head or face of middle-aged to elderly men and women. It was easily misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratosis, granuloma, pigment nevus, verruca, melanoma, etc. EPs histologically were well-circumscribed tumor composed of proliferative cuboidal or poroid cells with monomorphous ovoid nuclei, a highly vascularized stroma, ductal differentiation, occasionally cyst formation, visible focal necrosis, mitotic activity and clear cell change. It commonly extended from the basal epidermis into the dermal layer. Immunohistochemical staining showed p63, CK14 and CK5/6 were positive, EMA and CK7 focally and weakly positive, Ki-67 positive rate was about 3%–5% for the tumor cells, while CK19 and CEA was positive, CK7 and EMA weakly positive for tumor ductal structure, and S100 was positive for dendritic melanocytes scattered within intraepidermal tumor nests. Conclusion: Given the rarity of these neoplasms and lack of typical presentations, eccrine poroma is easily misdiagnosed as similar cutaneous lesions and correct diagnosis relies mainly on histopathology observation, as well as immunohistochemical staining is auxiliary in the differential diagnosis. Although the tumor is benign and can be cured by surgical excision, a few persistent poroma may turn malignant, so suspicious cases need long-term follow-up.
Keywords: eccrine poroma; clinicopathological features; immunohistochemical staining; diagnosis; differential diagnosis
