作者: |
1 苏州市立医院北区泌尿外科,江苏 苏州 215008 2 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院泌尿科,上海 200127 |
通讯: |
Email: robinfog@sina.com |
DOI: | 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.11.025 |
目的:在进行经皮肾镜取石术(percutaneous nephrolithotomy,PCNL)中,临床上可以通过X线定位以及超声定位两种方法来建立碎石的通道。然而,通过X线定位的方法不可避免地产生射线暴露。而通过传统的超声定位的方法可以避免射线的暴露,可困难在于,徒手操作很难将整个针道完整的可视化。这就带来了一系列的问题:如内脏的损伤,目标盏的丢失以及出血的隐患。我们这次研究的目的就是,评估利用激光辅助下超声引导经皮肾穿刺解决上述问题的可能性。方法:回顾2015年5月至2016年3月,我科24例病人行激光辅助下超声引导经皮肾穿刺取石术(激光组)。在建立经皮通道阶段,利用激光光束与穿刺平面的重叠,进而激光光束的偏移间接反映针道的偏移,并做相应调整,从而将针道在超声图像上完全做到可视化,顺利建立通道。并与24例同期运用传统徒手穿刺行经皮肾镜的病人(徒手组)进行临床数据对比。结果:激光组24例病人中,22例患者在首次激光辅助下穿刺中,针道顺利在超声中显影,从而顺利进入目标盏。另外2例穿刺中,穿刺通过在经过激光光束的纠正后,B超下显示进入目标盏。较之徒手组(16/8)有所改善。激光组穿刺时间显著短于徒手组。结论:激光辅助下超声引导经皮肾穿刺是一种改良的建立通道技术。利用激光光束与穿刺针、超声平面的重叠,在早期就能够纠正针道的方向,减少穿刺针数,缩短穿刺时间。激光辅助下超声引导经皮肾穿刺是PCNL术中一项安全有效的穿刺辅助方法。
A preliminary study on the ultrasound guidance assisted with laser in percutaneous nephrolithotomy
CorrespondingAuthor: XIA Lei Email: robinfog@sina.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.11.025
Objective: In a general way, both X-ray fluoroscopy and ultrasound (US) are used for guiding access creation during percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). However, the use of X-ray inevitably incurs radiation exposure, not only for patients but also for doctors. Conventional US guidance, being radiation free, can serve the purpose, but it is difficult to visualize the needle tract during screening. It causes following problems: visceral injure, miss of target calix and severe hemorrhage. This study evaluated the feasibility of using US guidance assisted with laser to solve the above problems. Methods: From May 2015 to March 2016, we performed PCNL on 24 patients with US guidance assisted with laser (group 1). The procedure was done with US and laser. Using the overlap of laser beam, US plate and puncture needle, laser beam’s offset reflecting the way of needle migration, visualizing the needle pathway on ultrasound images, helped establishing puncture channel. And the clinical data of 24 patients performed with free-hand US guidance (group 2) by the same surgeon in the same period were compared with those of group 1. Results: The 22 patients in group 1, 91.7% (22/24) of cases had their punctures effectively done with a single attempt. The whole needle pathways were visualized. The other two needle pathways were immediately adjusted by deviation of laser beam. Respectively 66.7% (16/24) in group 2. The puncture time in group 1 was significantly shorter than that in group 2. Conclusion: US guidance assisted with laser can provide radiation-free guidance for renal access creation in PCNL. The technique is safe and effective.