

作者: 1,1孔朝红, 1刘慧
1 武汉大学人民医院(湖北省人民医院)神经内一科,武汉 430000
通讯: 孔朝红 Email: kongzhaohong@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.10.015


目的:研究迷你临床演练评量(mini-clinical evaluation exercise,mini-CEX)在预防实习护生针刺伤发生的效果。方法:将分配至我科实习的100名护生按学号单双号分为实验组和对照组各50名,对照组按传统出科操作技能考核方法考核及点评。实验组将mini-CEX应用在临床护生头皮钢针静脉输液治疗的操作技能考核中,通过观察和反馈,最后观察实习8个月中护生针刺伤的发生率以及实验组护生对该评量法的评价。结果:实验组针刺伤发生率为10%,发生频次为0.1次/8个月,明显低于对照组针刺伤发生率32%及发生频次0.38次/8个月。调查问卷显示实验组护生对mini-CEX认可度均在80%,满意度较高。结论:mini-CEX应用在临床护生头皮钢针静脉输液治疗的操作技能考核中能发现护生在职业防护中的不足,不断规范操作,提高护生职业防护意识。
关键词: 迷你临床演练测评 护生 针刺伤

Effect of mini-clinical evaluation exercise on needle stick injury prevention for nursing students

Authors: 1,1KONG Zhaohong, 1LIU Hui
1 Department of Neurology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University (Hubei General Hospital), Wuhan 430000, China

CorrespondingAuthor: KONG Zhaohong Email: kongzhaohong@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.10.015


Objective: To study the effect of the mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX) in prevention of needle-stick injuries in nursing students. Methods: 100 nursing students were numbered and divided into control group and experimental group, which has 50 students respectively. The control groups were using traditionally methods to assess clinical skills exam. Mini-CEX were applied in the experimental group to assess the practices of intravenous infusion, and to observe the occurrences of needle-stick injuries during the 8 months clinical practicing, which can also help to evaluate the affection of the Mini-CEX through our observation and nursing students’ feedback. Results: The incidence of needle-stick injuries in the experimental group was 10%, with a frequency of 0.1/(8 months), which was significantly lower than the control group 32% and 0.38/8 months. From the questionnaire, mini-CEX got a high recognition which was over 80%. Conclusion: The using of the mini-CEX in intravenous infusion can help to find the deficiency in occupational protection of nursing students, to standardize their performances, and to improve their vocational protection awareness.
