

作者: 1牛晓振, 1郑军华, 1耿江, 1车建平, 1王光春, 1夏盛强, 1王波, 1彭波
1 同济大学附属第十人民医院泌尿外科,上海 200072
通讯: 牛晓振 Email: niuxiaozhenmedst@163.com
彭波 Email: pengbo6908@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.04.017
基金: 国家计委课题, C1-79


目的:通过动物实验研究男性更年期综合征与性腺轴、以及代谢综合征的关系。方法:以6月龄雄 性大鼠饲养至30月龄复制自然衰老、代谢综合征及补充雄激素的动物模型。通过对各组大鼠12、 18、24、30月龄性激素、性激素受体水平检测,睾丸切片分析,研究年龄、激素水平及代谢综合 症的相关性。结果:随着月龄的增加,正常饲养大鼠T、FSH及LH逐渐下降,睾丸组织病理呈退 行性变化。睾酮饲喂组不同月龄大鼠血清T、FSH、LH水平持续维持较高水平,但睾丸雄激素受 体水平仍出现显著下降。结论:单纯补充雄激素能提高性腺轴激素水平,但不能逆转睾丸雄性激 素受体水平的下降,不足以治疗男性更年期综合征,须同时提高雄性激素受体水平。
关键词: 男性更年期综合症 性腺轴 睾酮 代谢综合症。

Animal experimental study of gonadal axis function changes in patients with male climacteric syndrome and the relationship with metabolic syndrome

Authors: 1NIU Xiaozhen, 1ZHENG Junhua, 1GENG Jiang, 1CHE Jianping, 1WANG Guangchun, 1XIA Shengqiang, 1WANG Bo, 1PENG Bo
1 Department of Urology, Tenth People’s Hospital of Tongji University, Shanghai 200072, China

CorrespondingAuthor: NIU Xiaozhen Email: niuxiaozhenmedst@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.04.017


Objective: To study of the relationship among male climacteric syndrome, gonadal axis, and metabolic syndrome in animal experiments. Methods: The 6-month-old male rats were reared to 30-month-old to copy natural aging, metabolic syndrome and androgen supplement models. At 12, 18, 24, 30 months old sex hormones, hormone receptor levels, testis slices were tested and analyzed. Results: With the increase of age, T, FSH and LH of normal feeding group decreased, and testicular pathology showed degenerative changes. Serum T, FSH, LH levels of Testosterone fed groups continue to maintain a high level, but testicular androgen levels of RNA and protein levels were significant decreased. Conclusion: Supplement of androgen can maintain gonadal axis, but cannot change the decline of testicular androgen receptor. Androgen supplement treatment cannot cure male climacteric syndrome. It is also essential to increase the male hormone receptor levels.
