

作者: 1李妍卓, 1蔡权宇, 1贾宁阳, 1陈栋, 1陆伦, 1程红岩
1 第二军医大学附属东方肝胆外科医院放射科,上海 200438
通讯: 李妍卓 Email: stleezee@163.com
蔡权宇 Email: ehbshr@163.com
程红岩 Email: chengys@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.04.019


目的:探讨肝脏未分化性胚胎性肉瘤(undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver,UESL)的临床特 点,加深对该病的认识,提高术前诊断准确性。方法:回顾性分析16例经手术病理证实、术前误诊 UESL患者的临床、影像及病理资料,并对比分析。 结果:16例患者中诊断为原发性肝癌9例,肝母 细胞瘤3例,肝内恶性占位4例。12例以腹痛不适就诊;超声显示实性为主肿瘤,而CT及MRI呈囊 性为主的肿瘤,瘤内成分混杂;增强后病灶内囊壁下软组织、分隔及边缘可见强化。术后病理见 肿瘤切面呈囊实性,内见不同程度出血坏死、凝胶样区域和肿瘤组织,癌细胞间可见特征性嗜酸 性小体。结论:未分化胚胎性肉瘤临床罕见,临床资料无明显特异性,超声与CT、MRI表现不一 致性为重要鉴别要点,有助于提高术前诊断率。
关键词: 肝肿瘤 未分化性胚胎性肉瘤 影像学表现 凝胶样物质

Analysis of 16 cases misdiagnosed undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver

Authors: 1LI Yanzhuo, 1CAI Quanyu, 1JIA Ningyang, 1CHEN Dong, 1LU Lun, 1CHENG Hongyan
1 Department of Radiology, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200438, China

CorrespondingAuthor: LI Yanzhuo Email: stleezee@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.04.019


Objective: To investigate the clinical features of undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver (UESL) to improve its preoperative diagnostic accuracy. Methods: Retrospectively analysis the clinical, imaging and histopathologic findings of 16 cases preoperatively misdiagnosed UESL which were all pathologically confirmed. Results: Among these 16 cases, clinically diagnosed primary liver carcinoma 9 cases, hepatoblastoma 3 cases, malignant hepatic tumor 4 cases. Twelve patients mainly presented abdominal discomfort. Sonograms revealed predominant solid lesions; CT and MRI demonstrated predominant cystic masses within irregular soft tissue. Contrast-enhanced images showed intralesional foci, multiple internal septations andedges enhancement. The postoperative pathology showed the cut surface of tumors was variegated, with solid and cystic gelatinous areas, hemorrhage and necrosis. Intracytoplasmic hyaline globules were commonly present among cancer cells. Conclusion: UESL is a rare malignancy of the liver with no specific clinical manifestation, imaging finding inconsistent between ultrasound, CT and MRI which might be helpful to improve the preoperative diagnosis accuracy.
