

作者: 1蔡云东, 1费爱华
1 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院急诊科,上海 200092
通讯: 蔡云东 Email: caiyundong@foxmail.com
费爱华 Email: feiaihua@medmail.com.cn
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.10.027
基金: 上海市自然科学基金项目, 13ZR1426500


万古霉素能有效治疗革兰阳性菌尤其是耐甲氧西林金葡菌(methici l lin-resistant staphylococcusaureus,MRSA)引起的感染。但影响万古霉素临床疗效因素较多,临床上可通过监测万古霉素血药浓度、最低抑菌浓度(minimal inhibitory concentration,MIC)及肾功能等,以调节万古霉素用药剂量及时间间隔,提高疗效并尽可能降低不良反应的发生。
关键词: 万古霉素 药物浓度监测 药代动力学

The factors associated with the efficacy of vancomycin

Authors: 1CAI Yundong, 1FEI Aihua
1 Department of Emergency, Xin Hua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200092, China

CorrespondingAuthor: CAI Yundong Email: caiyundong@foxmail.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.10.027


Vancomycin is widely used antibiotic which treat infection caused by Gram-positive bacteria like MRSA. A vast of factors in clinic practice can alter the efficacy of vancomycin. It is accepted that detecting concentration of vancomycin in blood, minimum inhibit concentration (MIC) and creatinine clearance rate is necessary for adjusting the dose and time of vancomycin, which is responsible for good efficacy and reduced side effects.
