

作者: 1乔宝红, 1宋颖, 1张英姿, 2孙梦晓
1 中国中医科学院望京医院急诊科,北京 100102
2 世界针灸学会联合会,北京 100061
通讯: 乔宝红 Email: qiaobaohong930@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2017.02.027


目的:加强对门急诊输液室护士在静脉输注中药注射剂(traditional Chinese medicine injection,TCMI)输液过程中的环节管理,减少静脉输注TCMI的药品不良反应(adverse drug reaction,ADR)发生率。方法:总结导致静脉输注TCMI的ADR发生的因素,制订并落实护士配液的相关制度,执行《药品使用说明》的相关要求,加强对护士的培训和管理,将这些措施应用于门急诊输液患者的治疗和护理的工作中。结果:加强静脉输注TCMI的护理环节管理后,望京医院门急诊输注TCMI的不良反应发生率由2013年的0.024%,降至2015年的0%。结论:通过加强对护士的培训、对患者的告知和强化护理安全等多个环节的管理,可以有效减少TCMI在使用过程中ADR的发生率。
关键词: 中药注射剂 静脉输注 管理

Quality control and management of traditional Chinese medicine injection in intravenous infusion procedure at outpatient and emergency department

Authors: 1QIAO Baohong, 1SONG Ying, 1ZHANG Yingzi, 2SUN Mengxiao
1 Emergency Department, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Wangjing Hospital, Beijing 100102
2 World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, Beijing 100061, China

CorrespondingAuthor: QIAO Baohong Email: qiaobaohong930@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2017.02.027


Objective: To strengthen the management at outpatient and emergency infusion room for nurses in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) working with intravenous injection, so as to reduce the rate of adverse drug reactions (ADR) and TCMI. Methods: We summarized the factors of ADR venous infusion of TCMI, established and implemented relevant nurse dosing system, followed by “Drugs Usage Instructions” and related requests, to strengthen nurses management and training. We applied all these measurements in outpatient and emergency patient treatment care work of our hospital. Results: After strengthening the management of intravenous injection of TCM, the rate of our hospital emergency infusion of TCM injection ADR has dropped from 0.024% in 2013 to 0% in 2015. Conclusion: Strengthening nursing training, patient information and nursing securities, can greatly reduce the injection of TCM adverse reaction.
