

作者: 1,1,2,2马鑫
1 中南大学心身健康研究所,长沙 410013
2 长沙长郡中学,长沙 410002
通讯: 伍妍 Email: 86040715@qq.com


关键词: 高中学生;考试压力;心理健康

Psychological stress and mental health in seniors at high school

Authors: 1,1,2,2WU Yan
1 Psychosomatic Health Institute, Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410013, China
2 Changjun High School of Changsha, Changsha 410002

CorrespondingAuthor: WU Yan Email: 86040715@qq.com


Objective: To explore the correlation between psychological stress induced by college entrance examination and mental health status in seniors at high school. Methods: Altogether 130 seniors at high school in Changsha were asked to finish psychological questionnaire including "Self-analysis questionnaire of stress", "Mental health questionnaire for high student", "State trait anxiety inventory (STAI)," and "Pittsburgh sleep quality index". Results: Overall, 23.1% of students had mental health problems at different levels and 56.9% of students showed relatively high stress, which was closely related to mental health status, traits anxiety, and Pittsburg sleep index. Conclusion: Students with higher stress induced by college entrance examination have more mental health problems. It’s better to have psychological intervention on Grade-three high school students to improve their mental health and thus to prepare well for the examination.
