

作者: 1章仲恒
1 金华市中心医院重症医学科,浙江 金华 321000
通讯: 章仲恒 Email: zh_zhang1984@hotmail.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2014.05.009


21世纪是信息时代,大数据概念包围着人们生活的方方面面。在医疗科研领域正面临着一次前所 未有的变革,电子病历信息系统的发展及其他各种医疗数据的信息化存储将引领临床科研工作者 进入这个充满机遇与挑战的时代。本文将根据笔者的实践经验对大数据在临床科研领域的应用进 行探讨。主要从临床科研面临的困境、大数据实例简介、科研思路的凝集、数据处理等几个方面 进行探讨。希望本文能为有兴趣致力于研究大数据的临床科研工作者提供一点思路,起到抛砖引 玉的作用。
关键词: 大数据 临床科研 电子病历 医药卫生

Big data and clinical research

Authors: 1ZHANG Zhongheng
1 Department of Critical Care Medicine, Jinhua Municipal Central Hospital, Zhejiang, Jinhua, 321000, China

CorrespondingAuthor: ZHANG Zhongheng Email: zh_zhang1984@hotmail.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2014.05.009


The 21st century is an era of big data involving all aspects of human life including economics, politics and healthcare. A big-data revolution is under way in health care, starting with the vastly increased supply of electronic medical record system and other healthcare databases. The narrative review will discuss something on the use of big data for clinical researches, by incorporating the author’s experience. The discussion will include several aspects such as limitations of conventional clinical research, the example of big data, conceiving ideas of clinical research and data management. I hope this article will provide new insights into the use of big data for clinical investigators and solicit more brilliant work on this field.
