

作者: 1何文婷, 1卞薇, 1李国琴, 1周青青
1 陆军军医大学第一附属医院眼科,重庆 400038
通讯: 卞薇 Email: 664091353@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2021.06.005
基金: 陆军军医大学苗圃人才培养项目(XZ-2019-505-054);重庆市技术创新与应用示范(社会民生类)项目(cstc2018jscx-msyb0129)。


目的:观察恒温氧气超声雾化联合睑板腺疏通对治疗睑板腺功能障碍(meibomian gland dysfunction,MGD)性干眼症的疗效,为MGD性干眼症患者的物理治疗和护理提供理论依据。方法:纳入2019年9月至2019年11月陆军军医大学第一附属医院收治的119例MGD性干眼症患者,随机分为干预组(n=60)和对照组(n=59)。对照组给予常规治疗,即热敷及玻璃酸钠眼液、典必殊眼膏点眼。干预组在此基础上采取眼部恒温氧气超声雾化联合睑板腺疏通治疗。干预前及治疗3个月后,行干眼症问卷调查(Dry Eye Questionnaire,DEQ)评分、眼表疾病指数量表(Ocular Surface Disease Index,OSDI)评分、泪膜破裂时间(tear break-up time,BUT)、泪液分泌长度(Schirmer I试验)、泪膜脂质层厚度、睑板腺评分检查,对比两组的干预效果。结果:实施恒温氧气超声雾化联合睑板腺疏通治疗的干预组较对照组在Schirmer I、BUT、泪膜脂质层厚度、睑板腺评分、患者自觉症状方面更具优势。结论:睑板腺疏通治疗联合眼局部恒温氧气超声雾化治疗MGD相关性干眼症的疗效显著,有利于缓解患者干眼症状,改善眼部舒适度,促进泪膜恢复,最终提高患者生存质量。
关键词: 恒温氧气超声雾化;睑板腺疏通;干眼症

Effect of constant temperature oxygen ultrasound atomization combined with meibomian gland dredging in the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction related dry eye

Authors: 1HE Wenting, 1BIAN Wei, 1LI Guoqin, 1ZHOU Qingqing
1 Department of Ophthalmology, First Affiliated Hospital, Army Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China

CorrespondingAuthor: BIAN Wei Email: 664091353@qq.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2021.06.005

Foundation: This work was supported by the Nursery Talent Training Program of Army Medical University (xz-2019-505-054), and Chongqing Technology Innovation and Application Demonstration (Social Livelihood) Project (cstc2018jscx msyb0129), China.


Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of constant temperature oxygen ultrasound atomization combined with meibomian gland dredging in the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) related dry eye, so as to provide theoretical basis for physical treatment and nursing of MGD related dry eye patients. Methods: A total of 119 cases of MGD related dry eye were randomly divided into an intervention group (60 cases) and a control group (59 cases). The control group was given routine treatment, that is, hot compress, sodium hyaluronate eye liquid and Dianbishu eye ointment. On this basis, the patients in the intervention group were treated with local constant temperature oxygen ultrasonic atomization combined with meibomian gland dredging. Before and 3 months after the intervention, the intervention effects of the two groups were compared by Dry Eye Questionnaire (DEQ) score, Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) score, tear break-up time (BUT), length of tear secretion, lipid layer thickness and meibomian gland grading examination. Results: Compared with the control group, the intervention group had more advantages in the length of tear secretion (Schirmer I test), but, the thickness of tear lipid layer, the score of meibomian gland and the patients' conscious symptoms. Conclusion: Meibomian gland dredging combined with local constant temperature oxygen ultrasonic atomization is effective in the treatment of MGD related dry eye, which is beneficial to relieve dry eye symptoms, improve eye comfort, promote tear film recovery, and ultimately improve the quality of life of patients.
Keywords: constant temperature oxygen ultrasonic atomization; meibomian gland dredging; xerophthalmia
