

作者: 1杨珊珊, 1赵敏, 1宋蕴薇
1 南京中医药大学附属中西医结合医院&江苏省中医药研究院病理科,南京 210028
通讯: 杨珊珊 Email: yangblk@aliyun.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.10.003


目的:检测富含AT序列的特异性结合蛋白2(special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2,SATB2)在神经内分泌肿瘤(neuroendocrine neoplasms,NENs)中的表达并探讨其诊断价值。方法:采用免疫组织化学EnVision法检测153例NENs中SATB2蛋白的表达情况。结果:SATB2在93.8%直肠NENs中呈强阳性表达(30/32),但在其他消化道肿瘤(食管,0/6;胃,0/16;十二指肠,0/6;胰腺,0/8)中均无SATB2表达。在直肠NENs中,31例患者有中度到强烈的核染色。在肺组织中,20.0%(4/20)小细胞癌呈弱阳性表达,无1例类癌组织中SATB2呈阴性。在甲状腺组织中,13.2%(5/38)髓样癌组织中SATB2呈弱阳性。在肾上腺中,无1例嗜铬细胞瘤和皮质腺瘤组织中SATB2呈阳性。SATB2在诊断直肠来源NENs中具有高度的敏感性及特异性;另外,在比较消化道NENs中,SATB2在鉴别直肠来源的肿瘤中也具有很好的阴性预测值及阳性预测值。结论:SATB2是诊断NENs直肠来源的一个敏感而特异的标志物。
关键词: 富含AT序列的特异性结合蛋白2;神经内分泌肿瘤;临床病理学

Expression of SATB2 in neuroendocrine neoplasms and its diagnostic value

Authors: 1YANG Shanshan, 1ZHAO Min, 1SONG Yunwei
1 Department of Pathology, Affiliated Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine & Jiangsu Province Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210028, China

CorrespondingAuthor: YANG Shanshan Email: yangblk@aliyun.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.10.003


Objective: To detect the expression of special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2 (SATB2) in neuroendocrine tumors and to explore its diagnostic value. Methods: The expression of SATB2 was detected using immunohistochemical EnVision two-step method in 153 neuroendocrine tumors. Results: SATB2 was strongly positive in 93.8% of rectal neuroendocrine tumors (30/32), but not in other digestive tract tumors (0/6 of esophagus, 0/16 of stomach, 0/6 of duodenum, 0/6 of pancreas and 0/8 of pancreas). In rectal neuroendocrine tumors, 31 patients had moderate to diffuse nuclear staining. In lung tissues, 20.0% (4/20) of small cell carcinomas were weakly positive, and 0 case of carcinoid were negative. In thyroid tissue, SATB2 was weakly positive in 5/38 (13.2%) of medullary carcinomas. In adrenal glands, SATB2 was positive in 0/9 (0%) pheochromocytoma and 0/15 (0%) cortical adenoma. SATB2 had high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of rectal neuroendocrine tumors. In addition, SATB2 had good negative predictive value and positive predictive value in the differential diagnosis of rectal neuroendocrine tumors compared with digestive tract neuroendocrine tumors. Conclusion: SATB2 is a sensitive and specific marker for the diagnosis of rectal origin of neuroendocrine tumors.
Keywords: special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2; neuroendocrine neoplasms; clinicopathology
