

作者: 1徐春静, 2曾莉, 1吴燕, 1陈曼诗
1 同济大学医学院护理系,上海 200092
2 上海市第十人民医院神经外科ICU,上海 200072
通讯: 曾莉 Email: 594907113@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2021.04.017
基金: 浦东新区卫生和计划生育委员会卫生计生科研项目(PW2017B-10)。


目的:检索并获取经股动脉穿刺行介入治疗术后穿刺点并发症预防和控制的证据,为临床护理人员采取针对性护理提供依据。方法:应用循证护理的方法,针对经股动脉穿刺行介入治疗术后穿刺点并发症预防和控制提出问题,检索数据库及专业网站的相关文献,采用2016年澳大利亚循证护理中心(Joanna Briggs Institute,JBI)评价工具、2014版JBI证据预分级、证据推荐级别系统对文献进行质量评价和证据级别评定。结果:经专业人员的判断,最终纳入系统评价论文2篇、系统综述5篇,归纳得出16条证据,在整个围手术期进行干预。结论:本研究总结了目前关于经股动脉穿刺行介入治疗术后穿刺点并发症预防和控制的最佳证据,可为护士及护理管理者提供循证依据。通过应用最佳证据,以科学的方法预防和控制经股动脉穿刺行介入治疗术后穿刺点并发症,提升护理质量。
关键词: 股动脉;并发症;预防;控制;证据总结

Prevention and control of complications at puncture site via femoral artery after interventional therapy

Authors: 1XU Chunjing, 2ZENG Li, 1WU Yan, 1CHEN Manshi
1 Department of Nursing, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200092, China
2 Neurosurgery ICU, Shanghai 10th People’s Hospital, Shanghai 200072, China

CorrespondingAuthor: ZENG Li Email: 594907113@qq.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2021.04.017

Foundation: This work was supported by The Health and Family Planning Research Project of Pudong New Area Health and Family Planning Commission, China (PW2017B-10).


Objective: To retrieve and obtain evidence for the prevention and control of the complications of puncture points after the interventional treatment of femoral artery puncture, and provide clinical nurses with references to the targeted nursing. Methods: Evidence-based nursing was used to raise questions about the prevention and control of the complications of puncture points after the interventional treatment of femoral artery puncture. We retrieve the relevant literatures of the database and professional websites. The evaluation tools of the Australian JBI Evidence-based Healthcare Center in 2016, the JBI Evidence Pre-Classification 2014, and the Evidence Recommendation Level System were used to evaluate the quality of the literature and evaluate the evidence level. Results: After expert judgment, two systematic review papers and five systematic reviews were finally adopted, and 16 pieces of evidence were summarized to intervene throughout the perioperative period. Conclusion: This study summarizes the recent best evidence on the prevention and control of puncture point complications after interventional treatment of femoral artery puncture, which can provide evidence-based references for nurses and nursing managers. Through the application of the best evidence, scientific methods will be used to prevent and control the complications of puncture site after the interventional therapy of femoral artery puncture, so as to improve the quality of nursing.
Keywords: femoral artery; complications; prevention; control; summary of evidence
