

作者: 1赵丽娜, 1何惠华, 1黄亚冰, 1袁静萍
1 武汉大学人民医院病理科,武汉 430060
通讯: 袁静萍 Email: yuanjingping2003@aliyun.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.01.036
基金: 武汉市科技计划项目(2017060201010172);武汉大学人民医院引导基金(RMYD2018M27)。


1例乳腺分泌基质的化生性癌(matrix-producing metaplastic carcinoma,MPMC)的患者,女,48岁,自觉左乳肿块4个月余,镜下见浸润癌直接转化为黏液软骨样基质,中间没有梭形细胞过渡区域。免疫表型:肿瘤细胞PCK,CK(34βE12),CK5/6,CK14,S-100,vimentin,EGFR,GATA-3,E-cadherin均阳性,calponin灶状阳性,ER,PR,HER2,P63均阴性,Ki-67增殖指数约50%。特殊染色AB-PAS示:软骨黏液样基质。乳腺化生性癌(metaplastic breast carcinoma,MBC)是一种少见的乳腺浸润性癌,MPMC是一种极其罕见的MBC亚型,具有独特的病理特征,依据临床和病理组织学特点,结合免疫组织化学染色可以明确诊断。
关键词: 乳腺化生性癌;分泌基质的化生性癌;临床病理学

Clinicopathologic analysis and literature review of matrix-producing metaplastic carcinoma of breast

Authors: 1ZHAO Li’na, 1HE Huihua, 1HUANG Yabing, 1YUAN Jingping
1 Department of Pathology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China

CorrespondingAuthor: YUAN Jingping Email: yuanjingping2003@aliyun.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.01.036

Foundation: This work was supported by the Science and Technology Planning Project of Wuhan (2017060201010172) and Guidance Foundation of Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University (RMYD2018M27), China.


A 48-year old female patient with matrix-producing metaplastic carcinoma of the breast (MPMC) felt a solid mass in the left side of the breast for more than four months unconsciously. Microscopically, the tumor demonstrated ductal carcinoma component with direct transition to areas with cartilaginous differentiation without an intervening spindle cell element. The immunohistochemistry of tumor cells showed positive of PCK, CK (34βE12), CK5/6, CK14, S-100, vimentin, EGFR, GATA-3, E-cadherin, and calponin (focal positive), while negative for ER, PR, HER2. The Ki-67 index was about 50%. Special histochemical staining for AB-PAS highlighted the abundant cartilaginous matrix. MPMC is an extremely rare variant of metaplastic breast carcinoma, with distinctive histopathology features, the diagnosis can be made based on clinical and histopathological features combined with immunohistochemical results.
Keywords: metaplastic breast carcinoma; matrix-producing metaplastic carcinoma; clinicopathology
