

作者: 1李红姬, 2金载勇
1 吉林市中心医院肿瘤内科,吉林 吉林 132011
2 吉林市中心医院普外科,吉林 吉林 132011
通讯: 李红姬 Email: lhj132000@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2019.02.031


原发性肺癌,简称肺癌,是全球发病率及病死率均较高的恶性肿瘤之一。近年来微小RNAs(microRNAs, miRNAs)是恶性肿瘤研究领域的一大热点。多项研究表明miR-182与肺癌细胞的增殖、浸润及转移等生物学行为有关,亦有研究报道miR-182可能用于肺癌的早期诊断及肺部结节的鉴别诊断,且对患者预后具有一定预测价值。
关键词: 肺癌;miR-182;生物学行为;诊断;预后

Research progresses of miR-182 in primary lung cancer

Authors: 1LI Hongji, 2JIN Zaiyong
1 Department of Medical Oncology, Jilin Central Hospital, Jilin Jilin 132011, China
2 Department of General Surgery, Jilin Central Hospital, Jilin Jilin 132011, China

CorrespondingAuthor: LI Hongji Email: lhj132000@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2019.02.031


Primary lung cancer, abbreviated as lung cancer, is one of the malignant neoplasms with high morbidity and mortality worldwide. In recent years, microRNA (miRNA) is a research hotspot in malignant tumors. Many studies have demonstrated the associations between miR-182 and the proliferation, invasion, metastasis of lung cancer. There were studies reported that miR-182 may be a marker for early diagnosis of lung cancer and differential diagnosis for nodes in lung as well. The prognostic significance of miR-182 was also studied in some reports.
Keywords: lung cancer; miR-182; biological behaviors; diagnosis; prognosis
