

作者: 1易文娟, 1雷铁池
1 武汉大学人民医院皮肤科,武汉430060
通讯: 雷铁池 Email: lei86308656@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2017.09.031
基金: 国家自然科学基金, 81371717


组织蛋白酶(cathepsin,Cat)是半胱氨酸蛋白酶家族的主要成员,与皮肤肿瘤、慢性炎症等多种皮肤病密切相关。近年来多项研究表明Cat在人类皮肤生理方面的重要意义,主要集中于CatD/CatL/CatV维持表皮正常分化和完整屏障,CatB/CatD/CatG/CatK维持真皮细胞外基质(extracellular matrix,ECM)的稳态,CatV保证毛囊正常发育和生长周期。这些研究已深入细胞信号、基因调控,增进对正常皮肤生理调控的理解,未来也可能应用到疾病的基因治疗领域。
关键词: 组织蛋白酶 表皮屏障 真皮细胞外基质 毛囊

Advances of cathepsin in skin physiology

Authors: 1YI Wenjuan, 1LEI Tiechi
1 Department of Dermatology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China

CorrespondingAuthor: LEI Tiechi Email: lei86308656@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2017.09.031


Cathepsins (Cat) are the main members of the cysteine protease family, and relate closely to some dermatosis, for example, cutaneous tumor, chronic inflammation. Many recent investigations manifest cathepsin’s significance in skin physiology as followed: CatD/CatL/CatV maintain normal epidermal differentiation and intact barrier; CatB/CatD/CatG/CatK keep the homeostasis of extracellular matrix (ECM); CatV insure of normal development and growth cycle of hair follicle. Those studies have been deepen in cell signals and gene regulations, and increased the understanding about the regulation of normal skin physiology. It’s also possible to apply to the gene therapy field in the future.
Keywords: cathepsin epidermal barrier extracellular matrix hair follicle
