

作者: 1金岚, 2吴尚洁
1 长沙市中心医院老年医学科,长沙 410004
2 中南大学湘雅二医院呼吸内科,长沙 410011
通讯: 吴尚洁 Email: wushangjie@medmail.com.cn
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2017.08.001
基金: 国家重大科技基金, 2013BAI09B14


目的:探讨大气细颗粒物致呼吸系统损伤的影响,同时研究复方中草药对缓解大气细颗粒物致呼 吸系统损伤的影响。方法:采集长沙市交通区冬季大气PM2.5样品,以C57BIV6小鼠为试验对象, 用复方中草药(共8味中草药成分)灌胃,比较小鼠在污染空气暴露下,复方中草药灌胃对其呼吸道 功能和肺病理的影响。结果:观测实验小鼠咳嗽潜伏期、咳嗽次数、酚红排泌量等呼吸道功能指 标,以及肺充血、支气管上皮高柱、小动脉壁增厚、肺出血、肺泡隔增厚、组织坏死、纤维组织 增生、郎格罕细胞(Langerhanscell,LC)增生等肺组织病理学指标,大气细颗粒物可造成呼吸道功 能明显减弱,病理学改变明显,复方中草药灌胃对空气细颗粒物所致呼吸系统损伤有较好的缓解 效果。结论:大气细颗粒物可造成肺组织不同程度的多种病变,复方中草药灌胃对大气细颗粒物 所致肺组织病变有较好的保护效果。
关键词: 复方中草药 大气细颗粒物 缓解 呼吸系统损伤

Effect of Chinese herbal medicine on respiratory system injury caused by air ne particles

Authors: 1JIN Lan, 2WU Shangjie
1 Department of Geriatric Medicine, Changsha Central Hospital, Changsha 410004
2 Department of Respiratory Medicine, Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha 410011, China

CorrespondingAuthor: WU Shangjie Email: wushangjie@medmail.com.cn

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2017.08.001


by air pollution, and the effect of compound Chinese herbal medicine on the respiratory system injury caused by air ne particles was studied. Methods: e atmospheric PM2.5 samples were collected from Changsha City tra c area during the winter. e mouse of C57BIV6 was used as the test object feeding this herbal medicine (a total of 8 kinds of herbal ingredients). When the mice exposed in air pollution, the e ects on the functions of the respiratory tract and lung pathology were observed. Results: e respiratory function indexes of experimental mice, such as cough latent period, cough frequency and excretion of phenolsulfonphthalein were observed. e lung tissue pathological indexes, such as pulmonary congestion, bronchial epithelial high column, small artery wall thickening, pulmonary hemorrhage, alveolar septal thickening, tissue necrosis, brous tissue proliferation and Langerhanscell (LC) proliferation were also observed. e results showed that respiratory function was obviously weakened caused by air ne particles, pathology changes signi cantly. e compound Chinese herbal medicine was quite e ective to the respiratory system injury caused by air ne particles. Conclusion: Air ne particles can cause many kinds of lung tissue lesions with di erent degree. e compound Chinese herbal medicine has be er protective e ect on lung lesions caused by air ne particles.
Keywords: Chinese herbal medicine air pollution relieve respiratory system damage
