

作者: 1翟浩然, 1钟文昭
1 广东省人民医院,广东省肺癌研究所,广州 510080
通讯: 钟文昭 Email: 13609777314@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.04.007


各癌种临床研究的进程存在共通和迥异,源于生物学特性的差异。打破癌种的界限、跨学科综合 评价不同癌种在同一治疗模式下的内在规律和关键节点,有利于启发我们根据肿瘤的发生、发展 特点及其治疗特征探索最佳治疗模式,为不同学科的肿瘤临床研究和实践提供相互借鉴和启发的 平台。新辅助治疗在肿瘤的临床实践和研究探索中备受关注,各领域临床试验相继开展,CSCO青 委在该领域进行了跨癌肿的探索和讨论,围绕同一个问题,分享各自的经验。
关键词: 新辅助治疗 临床研究 肿瘤

Similarities and differences of neoadjuvant therapy among different sites of cancers

Authors: 1ZHAI Haoran, 1ZHONG Wenzhao
1 Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong Lung Cancer Institute, Guangzhou 510080, China

CorrespondingAuthor: ZHONG Wenzhao Email: 13609777314@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.04.007


Similarities and differences of procedures of clinical trials coexist due to different biological behaviors of cancers. It is quite inspiring to explore the most optimal treatment according to different tumors’ characteristics of genesis, progression and response to therapies, if we could push boundaries of different tumors, evaluate internal disciplines and critical junctures comprehensively under a common treatment modality among multiple disciplines. This considerably matters for physicians from different fields to learn from and enlighten each other when performing clinical trials and clinical practices. Nowadays, neoadjuvant therapy has been laid increasing emphasis on during clinical practices and corresponding trials have been conducted among different disciplines of oncology. Members of the Youth Committee of Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) have discussed experiences of neoadjuvant treatment modalities of different cancers to explore better strategies.
