

作者: 1胡章乐, 1王晓晨, 1许邦龙, 1盛建龙, 1张艳梅
1 安徽医科大学第二附属医院心血管内科,合肥 230601
通讯: 王晓晨 Email: hfdoc@126.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2014.05.022


目的:研究冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病不稳定心绞痛患者血浆白介素18(Interleukin 18,IL-18)、 正五聚蛋白3(Pentraxin 3,PTX3)水平与冠脉病变程度的关系。方法:将136例不稳定心绞痛患者 纳入试验,登记所有患者临床特征并测定入院时血浆中IL-18、PTX3水平。继之,对所有患者行 冠脉造影并使用gensini评分系统对冠脉病变程度进行评估。根据所有患者gensini评分结果将患者 分成低gensini积分(low gensini score,LGS)组(gensini积分<27分)、中gensini积分(medium gensini score,MGS)组(gensini积分27~38分)、高gensini积分(high gensini score,HGS)组(gensini积分>38 分),分析比较三组间患者的临床特征和IL-18、PTX3水平差异。结果:HGS组吸烟、糖尿病、高 脂血症患者比例显著高于MGS及LGS组,MGS组高血压患者比例显著高于LGS组。HGS组IL-18、 PTX3水平显著高于MGS组及LGS组;MGS组IL-18、PTX3水平显著高于LGS组。结论:不稳定心绞 痛患者入院时血浆IL-18、PTX3水平能够反映冠脉病变的严重程度;入院时循环中IL-18、PTX3水 平越高,冠脉病变越严重。
关键词: 炎症 易损斑块 不稳定心绞痛 白介素-18 正五聚蛋白-3

Association of admission plasma IL-18, PTX3 concentrations with coronary artery narrow degree in unstable angina pectoris

Authors: 1HU Zhangle, 1WANG Xiaochen, 1XU Banglong, 1SHENG Jianlong, 1ZHANG Yanmei
1 Department of Cardiology, 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230601, China

CorrespondingAuthor: WANG Xiaochen Email: hfdoc@126.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2014.05.022


Objective: To explore the association of admission plasma Interleukin-18 (IL-18), Pentraxin 3 (PTX3) concentrations with coronary artery narrow degree in unstable angina pectoris. Methods: A total of 136 patients with unstable angina pectoris were enrolled. All patients’ baseline characteristics were recorded and their blood samples were concentrated to assay admission plasma IL-18, PTX3 levels. After coronary angiography, all patients were given their gensini score and then assigned to three groups according gensini score tertiles: low gensini score (LGS) group (gensini score <27) (46 patients); medium gensini score (MGS) group (gensini score 27- 38) (53 patients); high gensini score (HGS) group (gensini score >38) (37 patients). Clinical characteristics and admission plasma IL-18, PTX3 concentrations attached to the three groups were analyzed and compared. Results: There were significant differences in clinical characteristics among the three groups. The HGS group had higher percentage of patients with smoking, hypertension and diabetes mellitus than other groups. The MGS group had higher percentage of patients with hyperlipidemia than the LGS group. Admission plasma IL-18, PTX3 concentrations of the HGS group were apparently higher than those of the MGS and LGS group. Those concentrations of the MGS group were also significantly higher than those of the LGS group. Conclusion: Admission plasma IL-18, PTX3 levels in unstable angina patients may positively mirrored their coronary artery narrow degree.
