作者: |
1 中山大学公共卫生学院,广州 510080 2 广州医科大学附属第一医院胸外科,广州 510120 3 东莞市第五人民医院儿科,东莞 523905 |
通讯: |
Email: drjianxing.he@gmail.com 李薇 Email: dr.li.wei@163.com |
DOI: | 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.05.003 |
基金: | 东莞市卫生局重点项目, 2012105102029 |
目的:本研究计划对东莞市32镇422所小学全体2012年在校学生及2013年新入学学生进行漏斗胸的普查,筛查出漏斗胸患者,并建立漏斗胸普查机制与队伍,为小儿漏斗胸诊疗指南的建立提供流行病学方面的支持。方法:本研究对东莞市32镇422所小学479 402名2012年在校学生及2013年新入学学生进行漏斗胸的普查,并对422所小学约420名校医人员进行漏斗胸的系列培训,建立漏斗胸普查机制及网络。结果:本研究共普查广东东莞市内31镇406所小学中2012年全体在校学生及2013年新入学学生共计477 627名儿童(普查率为99.62%),年龄4~15岁,平均年龄为8.78岁,其中男性N1=244 545人,平均年龄8.22岁,女性N2=233 082,平均年龄8.89岁。共筛查出漏斗胸患者257人,现患率为PR =0.583‰,其中男性N3=176,平均年龄8.79岁,女性N4=81例,平均年龄8.77岁。以漏斗胸患者为阳性组,健康儿童为对照组,性别为因变量做卡方检验,P值为0.00,P<0.05,男女漏斗胸的发病率有统计学差异。比值为N3:N4=2.172:1。共培训了410名校医工作人员,建立了漏斗胸普查机制及网络。结论:本研究对东莞市2012年全体在校小学生及2013年新入学学生漏斗胸情况进行了普查研究,经过统计学检验,男女发病率有差异,并建立了长效稳定的漏斗胸普查机制,为漏斗胸早诊早治准备了人员基础与技术基础。
Pectus excavatum screening of primary students in dongguan and construction of pectus excavatum screening and following network
CorrespondingAuthor: HE Jianxing Email: drjianxing.he@gmail.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.05.003
Objective: We planned to finish the census of 479,402 student in 422 primary school in Dongguang, Guangdong Province, in order to screen the pectus excavatum patient and treat with surgery. Then we could build up an effective stable pectus excavatum screening network to prepare for the Children Pectus Excavatum Diagnosis & Treatment Guildline. Methods: We finished the census 479,402 student in 422 primary school to screen the pectus excavatum patients, then applied the chi-square test to describe the difference in gender. Moreover, we trained 420 school medical practitioners to build up the PEX screening and following network in Dongguang, Guangdong Province. Results: We had screening 477,627 student (N=477,627) in 406 primary schools in Dongguan, Guangdong Province with 99.62% screening rate, age ranged from 4~15 years old, average age was 8.78 years old. Male student was 244,545 (N1=244,545, M1=8.78) with average age was 8.22 years old while female was 233082 (N2=233,082, M2=8.22) with 8.89 years old. A total of 257 children were enrolled the PEX group, the prevalence rate was 0.583‰ with 176 male (N3=176, M3=8.79) while 81 female (N4=81, M4=8.77). The chisquare test result in P<0.00, indicated the prevalence rate in male and female was significantly different. The stable effective PEX screening and following network was initially built up by 410 school medical practitioners were trained with three courses and passed the exam. Conclusion: The research screened the pectus excavatum patients in all the primary school students from 2012~2013 in Dongguan, Guangdong Province. Through the screening and training, a stable effective PEX screening and following network was initially built up, through which the PEX patient in Dongguan could be benefit from early diagnosis, early prevention and early treatment.