

作者: 1于士艳, 1王爱凤, 1黄焱, 1刘莉莉, 1葛慕莲
1 淮安市第一人民医院神经外科,江苏 淮安 223300
通讯: 王爱凤 Email: knmghu39@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2022.12.007


目的:探讨不同吸痰深度对高血压脑出血气管切开患者血氧饱和度的影响。方法:选取2020年1月至2022年1月淮安市第一人民医院收治的高血压脑出血行气管切开术的70例患者,所有患者均在气管切开术后第2天进行深部、浅部吸痰各4次,比较不同吸痰深度吸痰前后患者脉搏血氧饱和度(pulse oxygen saturation,SpO2)、脑组织血氧饱和度(cerebral tissue oxygen saturation,rSO2)水平的变化情况。结果:深部与浅部吸痰后即刻SpO2水平均低于吸痰前1 min (均P<0.05),吸痰后3、5、10 min的SpO2水平均高于吸痰前1 min (均P0.05)。深部与浅部吸痰后各时间点的rSO2水平均高于吸痰前1 min (均P<0.05);深部与浅部吸痰相比,吸痰前后各时间点rSO2水平差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。患者血压水平在吸痰后首先增高再逐渐下降至吸痰前1 min水平,深部、浅部吸痰患者血压变化规律类似,且深部吸痰患者吸痰后5 min恢复至吸痰前水平,浅部吸痰患者吸痰3 min恢复至吸痰前水平,吸痰3 min内深部吸痰相较于浅部吸痰患者血压增加更明显(P<0.05)。结论:深部吸痰、浅部吸痰应用于高血压脑出血气管切开术患者的吸痰效果一致,且对血氧饱和度的影响无明显差异,临床建议实施浅部吸痰,以减少不良反应的发生。
关键词: 深部吸痰;浅部吸痰;高血压脑出血;气管切开;血氧饱和度

Effect of different sputum suction depths on blood oxygen saturation in patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage and tracheotomy

Authors: 1YU Shiyan, 1WANG Aifeng, 1HUANG Yan, 1LIU Lili, 1GE Mulian
1 Department of Neurosurgery, Huai’an First People’s Hospital, Huai’an Jiangsu 223300, China

CorrespondingAuthor: WANG Aifeng Email: knmghu39@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2022.12.007


Objective: To investigate the effect of different sputum suction depths on blood oxygen saturation in patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage and tracheotomy. Methods: From January 2020 to January 2022, 70 patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage who underwent tracheotomy in Huai’an First People’s Hospital were selected. All patients underwent deep and shallow sputum suction each for 4 times on the 2nd day after tracheotomy, and the changes of pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2) and cerebral tissue oxygen saturation (rSO2) levels before and after suction at different sputum suction depths were compared. Results: The SpO2 levels immediately after suction were lower than 1 min before suction in patients with deep and shallow sputum suction (both P<0.05), while the SpO2 levels at 3, 5, and 10 min after suction were all higher than that 1 min before suction (all P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in SpO2 levels at all time points between patients with deep and shallow sputum suction (all P>0.05). The rSO2 levels at all time points after suction were higher than that 1 min before suction in patients with deep and shallow sputum suction (all P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in rSO2 levels at all time points between patients with deep and shallow sputum suction (all P>0.05). The blood pressure levels of patients first increased after sputum suction and then gradually decreased to the level 1 min before sputum aspiration. The changes in blood pressures of patients with deep and shallow suction had similar patterns. Patients with deep sputum suction returned to pressure levels before suction at 5 min after suction, while those with shallow sputum suction returned to pressure levels before suction at 3 min after suction. Elevation of blood pressures within 3 min after suction was more obvious in patients with deep sputum suction compared with those with shallow sputum suction (P<0.05). Conclusion: Deep and shallow sputum suction have the same effect on patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage and tracheotomy, and there is no statistically significant difference in respect of the effect on blood oxygen saturation. It is clinically recommended to implement shallow sputum suction to reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions.

Keywords: deep sputum suction; shallow sputum suction; hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage; tracheotomy; blood oxygen saturation
