

作者: 1,1张静, 1李星奇, 1张煜涵, 1罗玉凤, 1钟定荣
1 中国医学科学院,北京协和医学院,北京协和医院病理科,北京 100730
通讯: 张静 Email: jingzhangsmile@163.com
孙健 Email: sunjian_126@126.com
钟定荣 Email: zhongdingrong@sina.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.05.020


目的:探讨成人肠道淋巴样息肉病的临床及病理学特征。方法:应用光镜及免疫组织化学方法观察4例成人肠道淋巴样息肉病的组织学特点及免疫学表型,并复习相关文献。结果:4例中3例为男性,1例为女性,年龄分别为75、75、46及70岁。4例病例均因其他疾病切除末端回肠及回盲部时,偶然发现末端回肠多发息肉样隆起,直径0.1~0.5 cm。镜下见回肠粘膜淋巴组织显著增生, 淋巴滤泡增生并形成息肉样小结节,淋巴滤泡的生发中心明显增大,围绕生发中心的套区境界清楚。免疫组织化学显示大部分呈滤泡样增生的淋巴细胞CD20强阳性表达,不表达Cyclin D1,生发中心细胞不表达Bcl-2。结论:成人淋巴样息肉病是一种罕见的良性病变,具有独特的临床病理特点,临床上易于同部分恶性肿瘤相混淆,诊断依靠病理组织学及部分辅助方法。
关键词: 肠道 淋巴样息肉病 临床病理

Clinicopathological characteristics of intestinal lymphoid polyposis in adults and review of the literature


CorrespondingAuthor: ZHANG JING Email: jingzhangsmile@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.05.020


Objective: To explore the clinicopathological characteristics of intestinal lymphoid polyposis in adults. Methods: The histopathological features and immunophenotype of four cases of adult intestinal lymphoid polyposis were studied, relevant literatures were reviewed. Results: A total of 3 males and 1 female were studied, aged 75, 75, 46 and 70, respectively. In all four cases, identification of the polyposis was incidental during the examination of resected of terminal ileum and ileocecal region due to other diseases. Gross findings were multiple polyps in the terminal ileum, measuring 0.1~0.5 cm in diameter. Microscopically, hyperplasia of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue was noticed. The polyps were composed of closely aggregated lymphoid follicles. The follicles contained prominent germinal centers surrounded by a mantle of small lymphocytes. Immunohistochemical staining showed the follicles to be composed of CD20 (+) and Clyclin D1 (−) lymphocytes. Cells in germinal center did not express Bcl-2. Conclusion: Lymphoid polyposis is a rare benign tumor featuring unique clinicopathological characteristics. And the diagnosis relies on histopathological analysis and some ancillary markers.
