

作者: 1王宏伟, 1闫明, 2李创, 1齐素青, 1李磊
1 河北省眼科医院口腔正畸科,河北 邢台 054001
2 石家庄市第二医院口腔科,石家庄 050051
通讯: 齐素青 Email: QSQ7615038@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.01.018
基金: 邢台市科技支撑计划项目, 2014ZC073


目的:对比研究锥形束CT(cone-beam computed tomography,CBCT)转化头颅侧位片与传统X线 头颅侧位片定点的一致性。方法:53名(男24名,女29名)正畸患者治疗前拍摄头颅侧位片和锥形 束CT扫描。选取22个常用标记点,由同一操作者对所有侧位片进行定点,间隔进行三次。采用 Hotelling T2检验两种类型头颅侧位片定点的一致性。结果:绝大多数的定点差异无统计学意义。 有4个点,耳点(t=0.50,P=0.006)、前鼻棘点(t=0.49,P=0.008)、下颌角点(t=0.39,P=0.039)和颅 底点(t=0.64,P=0.006),定点差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:锥形束CT转化的头颅侧位片定 点更加精确,可以代替传统的X线头颅侧位片。
关键词: 锥形束CT 头颅侧位片 一致性 定点

Landmark accuracy on CBCT-generated cephalograms and conventional lateral cephalograms

Authors: 1WANG Hongwei, 1YAN Ming, 2LI Chuang, 1QI Suqing, 1LI Lei
1 Department of Orthodontics, Hebei Eye Hospital, Xingtai Hebei 054001
2 Department of Stomatology, the Second Hospital of Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang 050051, China

CorrespondingAuthor: QI Suqing Email: QSQ7615038@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.01.018


Objective: To investigate systematic differences in landmark position between conventional lateral cephalograms and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)-generated cephalograms. Methods: Subjects were 53 patients (24 males and 29 females). All patients were imaged using CBCT and conventional lateral cephalograms. Cephalograms were verified and 22 landmarks were identificated 3 times by one operator. Hotelling T2 was used to analyze variability differences. Results: There were no systematic differences between modalities in the position of most landmarks. Four landmarks, porion (t=0.50, P=0.006), anterior nasal spine (t=0.49, P=0.008), gonion (t=0.39, P=0.039), and basion (t=0.64, P=0.006), showed statistically significant differences. Conclusion: CBCT-generated cephalograms provide more precise identification and can successfully replace conventional cephalograms.
