

作者: 1孟宪敏, 1梁奕, 1王学玲
1 航天中心医院口腔科,北京 100049
通讯: 孟宪敏 Email: minminmeng@126.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2021.07.028
基金: 航天中心医院科研基金项目(YN201904)。


目的:研究PDCA循环在固定正畸青少年患者口腔卫生管理中的应用效果。方法:选择100例进行固定矫治的青少年患者,随机分为实验组与对照组(每组50例),实验组将PDCA循环应用于患者口腔卫生管理,包括制定口腔卫生管理计划、查找问题并制定对策、检查口腔卫生状况、阶段性总结并持续改进4个方面。对照组只进行多媒体软件口腔卫生宣教。并于矫治前、矫治后6个月、12个月后,利用菌斑指数(plaque index,PLI)和牙龈出血指数(bleeding index,BI)对患者口腔卫生状况进行评估比较。结果:矫治开始前,实验组与对照组PLI与BI无显著差异。矫治开始,实验组实施PDCA循环。矫治6个月后,实验组PLI与BI较对照组有下降(P<0.05)。12个月后,实验组PLI≤1的患者比例提高至82%,BI≤1的患者比例提高至92%,均较PDCA初期显著提高(P<0.05)。PLI及BL均较对照组有显著下降(P<0.05)。结论:PDCA循环可有效改善固定正畸期间青少年患者的口腔卫生状况。
关键词: PDCA循环;口腔正畸;口腔卫生

Improvement effect of PDCA cycle on oral health of adolescent patients during fixed orthodontic treatment

Authors: 1MENG Xianmin, 1LIANG Yi, 1WANG Xueling
1 Department of Stomatology, Aerospace Center Hospital, Beijing 100049, China

CorrespondingAuthor: MENG Xianmin Email: minminmeng@126.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2021.07.028

Foundation: This work was supported by the Space Center Hospital Research Fund Project, China (YN201904).


Objective: To investigate the effect of PDCA cycle on improving Oral hygiene of adolescent patients during the fixed orthodontic treatment. Methods: A total of 100 adolescent patients with fixed appliances were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental group, and the control group, with 50 adolescent patients in each group. The PDCA cycle was used to the experimental group for the management of oral hygiene, including making plan of improving oral hygiene, formulating strategy based on questions and investigations, checking oral hygiene status, getting stage summary and continuous improvement. The control group was given oral health education with multimedia software. Plaque index and Bleeding index were evaluated for the oral hygiene condition before treatment, 6 months and 12 months after Orthodontic treatment in both groups. Results: Before treatment, there was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in PLI and BI. At the beginning of treatment, PDCA cycle was applied in the experimental group. After 6 months and 12 months of treatment, PLI and BI of the experimental group significantly decreased while that of the control group showed no significant change. After repeated application of PDCA cycle, the proportion of patients with PLI ≤1 and BI ≤1 increased to 82% and 92% respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion: PDCA is effective for the oral hygiene of adolescent patients.
Keywords: PDCA; orthodontic treatment; oral hygiene
