

作者: 1张兰坤, 1肖婧, 1丁彩霞, 1单华, 1盛蕾
1 南京中医药大学第二附属医院神经内科,南京 210017
通讯: 盛蕾 Email: hejieqong1234@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.12.038


可逆性后部白质脑病(Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome,RPLS)是一组由多种原因引起的以头痛、迅速进展的颅高压、癫痫发作、视觉障碍、精神异常等神经系统损害为主要表现的临床少见的脑病综合征,经典影像学改变为可逆性大脑后部顶枕叶白质损害,临床中单纯以孤立性双侧小脑病变表现者较为少见。本文结合诊疗经历并复习相关文献,以期使临床医师加深对本病的了解和掌握,进而避免误诊和延误治疗。
关键词: 可逆性后部白质脑病;双侧小脑血管性水肿;临床报道

Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome with solitary bilateral cerebellar swelling: A case report and literature review

Authors: 1ZHANG Lankun, 1XIAO Jing, 1DING Caixia, 1SHAN Hua, 1SHENG Lei
1 Department of Neurology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210017, China

CorrespondingAuthor: SHENG Lei Email: hejieqong1234@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.12.038


Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome is a group of rare clinical encephalopathy, its main clinical manifestations are headache, rapid development of intracranial hypertension, epilepsy, visual disorders, mental disorders and other neurological damage. The classic imaging change is reversible posterior parietooccipital lobe white matter damage. In clinical, isolated bilateral cerebellar lesions are rare. Based on the experience of diagnosis and treatment and review of relevant literature, the author hopes to know more and mastery of the disease for clinicians, so as to avoid misdiagnosis and delayed treatment.
Keywords: reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome; bilateral cerebellar swelling; clinical report
