
1 例易误诊的肺转移性上皮样恶性周围神经鞘膜瘤临床病理分析并文献复习

作者: 1王建军, 1陈雅, 1史炯, 1柏涛, 1王仁庆, 1樊祥山, 1孟凡青, 1牛丰南
1 南京大学医学院附属南京鼓楼医院病理科,南京 210008
通讯: 牛丰南 Email: alison2009@126.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2019.05.039
基金: 国家自然科学基金(81671113);江苏省青年医学人才项目(QNRC2016026)。


南京大学医学院附属南京鼓楼医院收治1例容易误诊的肺转移性上皮样恶性周围神经鞘膜瘤(epithelioid malignant peripheral ner ve sheath tumor,EMPNST)。患者,女,40岁,无明显诱因出现咳嗽,咳白色泡沫样痰半月余。X线及胸部CT见右中肺多发结节影。自诉出生时发现全身多处散在皮肤浅棕色斑块,20年前曾有右小腿包块神经纤维瘤切除史,而后包块复发逐渐增大至今, MRI示右胫腓骨软组织内多发团块状混杂信号影,在南京大学医学院附属南京鼓楼医院行右胫腓骨肿物切除。HE镜下肺肿瘤呈结节状、细胞弥漫性分布伴大片坏死;细胞呈上皮样、印戒样、多边形;胞质淡伊红染,部分细胞质透亮;细胞核浆比高,核梭形或卵圆形,部分细胞核显著异性,核呈空泡状,可见突出的嗜酸性核仁,核分裂象易见。免疫标记示瘤细胞Vim(++),EMA (弱+),S-100(+),CK-pan(散在+),INI-1(局灶−),而LCA,TTF-1,SOX-10,CD68,HMB45均阴性表达,Ki-67增殖指数约30%。胫腓骨软组织肿瘤细胞弥漫阳性表达S-100和SOX-10,CD34(局灶+),INI-1局灶阴性,而CK-pan,EMA,Desmin,SMA,MyoD1和LCA均阴性。患者未行放疗及化疗,随访3个月后因肿瘤转移去世。肺转移性EMPNST难以诊断,需要结合其临床病史及相关免疫组织化学检查与其他相关上皮样肿瘤鉴别,必要时需结合分子检查进一步鉴别诊断。
关键词: 上皮样恶性周围神经鞘膜瘤;肺转移;神经纤维瘤恶变;误诊

Metastatic epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of lung: A case report of clinicopathological analysis and literature review

Authors: 1WANG Jianjun, 1CHEN Ya, 1SHI Jiong, 1BAI Tao, 1WANG Renqing, 1FAN Xiangshan, 1MENG Fanqing, 1NIU Fengnan
1 Department of Pathology, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing 210008, China

CorrespondingAuthor: NIU Fengnan Email: alison2009@126.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2019.05.039

Foundation: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (81671113) and Project of Invigorating Health Care through Science, Technology and Education of Jiangsu Province (QNRC2016026)


A case of metastatic epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (EMPNST) in lung was admitted to Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School. A 40-year-old women was admitted after invalid treatments in a local hospital for no obvious cause of cough and white sputum for half a month. X-ray and CT showed multiple nodules in the right middle lung. The patient had pale brown plaques throughout the body at birth and had a surgery in the right leg mass of neurofibroma, while the tumor recurred and gradually increased in size. MRI showed multiple clusters of mixed signals in the soft tissue of the right tibia and fibula. Subsequently, lump resection was performed. Microscopically, the tumor cells were arranged in a nodular and solid distribution and infiltrative growth with abundant cytoplasm of epithelioid, oval and signet ring-like cells. The tumor cell showed oval, spindle, vacuolar polymorphic nuclei and obvious eosinophilic nucleoli with visible pathological mitotic figures. Immunohistochemistry revealed the tumor cells were positive for Vimentin and focal positive for EMA and S-100. The proliferation index labeling was 30%. INI-1, LCA, TTF-1, SOX-10, CD68, HMB45 were negative. The tumor cells of lower extremity were diffusely positive for S-100 and SOX-10, focally positive for CD34, while CK-pan, EMA, Desmin, SMA, MyoD1, and LCA were all negative. Without radiotherapy or chemotherapy, the patient died due to tumor metastasis after three months later. Metastatic EMPNST was very difficult to be diagnosed and needed to be differentiated from other related epithelioid tumors by clinical history, immunohistochemical analysis and, if necessary, molecular examination.
Keywords: epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor; pulmonary metastasis; malignant transformation of neurobroma; misdiagnosis
