

作者: 1周燕, 2林师伟, 1黄玉龙
1 海口市中医医院内科,海口 570216
2 海南省人民医院内科,海口 570311
通讯: 周燕 Email: 9884054@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2019.01.029


在长期临床实践治疗高血压中,中医药因其具有持久平稳的降压作用、明显改善临床症状、改善血管内皮功能、保护靶器官等优势日益受到重视和应用。黄连解毒汤为清热剂,泻火解毒,化裁治疗高血压(热毒痰瘀型),组方为黄连15 g、黄芩5 g、黄柏5 g、栀子5 g、泽泻10 g、蒲黄10 g、丹参10 g、川芎5 g、赤芍10 g、桃仁10 g、红花5 g、茯苓15 g。部分药物有扩张血管、降血压、化痰利湿和活血祛瘀的作用,全方共用,可清热解毒、活血化痰,效果显著。附眩晕头痛医案一则。
关键词: 黄连解毒;热毒;痰瘀;高血压

Pharmacological analysis and medical record of the modified huanglianjiedu decoction for blood-stasis and heat toxic type hypertension

Authors: 1ZHOU Yan, 2LIN Shiwei, 1HUANG Yulong
1 Department of Internal Medicine, Haikou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Haikou 570216, China
2 Department of Internal Medicine, Hainan General Hospital, Haikou 570311, China

CorrespondingAuthor: ZHOU Yan Email: 9884054@qq.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2019.01.029


In the long term clinical practice in the treatment of hypertension, traditional Chinese medicine is increasingly received attention and application because of its antihypertensive effect with the advantage of lasting stable, improving symptoms and blood vessel function, and protecting target organ. The huanglianjiedu decoction is used to relieve internal heat. It can purge fire and remove toxic substance. But now we use it to make some changes to treat hypertension (the type of phlegm and blood-stasis and heat toxin). The modified huanglianjiedu decoction consisting of 5 g huanglian, 5 g huangqin, 5 g huangbai, 5 g zhizi, 10 g zexie, 10 g puhuang, 10 g danshen, 5 g chuanxiong, 10 g chishao, 10 g taoren, 5 g honghua, 15 g fuling. Some of these drugs can dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, clear damp, expel phlegm and invigorate the circulation of bood. In one word, the formula can purge fire and remove toxic substance, expel phlegm and invigorate the circulation of blood.
Keywords: huanglianjiedu; toxic heat; phlegm dampness and blood-stasis; hypertension
