

作者: 1吕晓鹏, 1刘志刚
1 吉化集团总医院放化疗科,吉林 吉林 132022
通讯: 刘志刚 Email: liuzhigang310@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959. 2018.12.025


黑色素瘤(melanoma)是恶性度最高的皮肤恶性肿瘤,手术切除是其主要治疗方式,部分患者需要联合使用免疫治疗,但免疫治疗存在明显的毒副作用。多项研究表明Th9细胞及其分泌的白介素-9(interleukin 9,IL -9)具有直接与间接(激活机体免疫应答)的抗黑色素瘤效应。此外,Th9细 胞/IL -9可能作为免疫治疗的疗效预测指标。Th9/IL -9可能是黑色素瘤患者治疗及疗效判断的潜在靶点。
关键词: 黑色素瘤;Th9细胞;白介素-9;免疫应答

Research progresses of Th9 cells/interleukin-9 in melanoma

Authors: 1LÜ Xiaopeng, 1LIU Zhigang
1 Department of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, General Hospital of Jilin Chemical Industry Group, Jilin Jilin 132022, China

CorrespondingAuthor: LIU Zhigang Email: liuzhigang310@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959. 2018.12.025


Melanoma is the most malignant neoplasm of skin, and resection is the major treatment strategy. Some patients are treated with the combination of immunotherapy and surgery. However, there are obvious toxicities and side effects of immunotherapy. A series of studies have demonstrated that Th9 cells and interleukin-9 (IL-9) secreted by Th9 cells can kill melanoma cells via direct and indirect pathways (activating host immune responses). In addition, Th9 cells/IL-9 may be used as predictive indicators for the efficacy of immunotherapy. Th9/IL-9 may be potential markers for treatment selection and curative effect evaluation for patients with melanoma.
Keywords: melanoma; Th9 cells; interleukin-9; immune responses
