

作者: 1司彩云, 1陶月红
1 扬州大学临床医学院,江苏 扬州 225001
通讯: 陶月红 Email: ektyh520@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2018.11.034


近年来随着居住环境及饮食习惯的改变,性早熟的发病率有上升趋势,且女孩的发病率明显高于男孩。GnRH类似物(gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue,GnRHa)是治疗中枢性性早熟(central precocious puberty,CPP)的主要措施。目前大部分研究集中在GnRHa对成年终身高的影响,但对CPP女童卵巢储备功能的研究较少。卵巢储备功能的测定有助于早期预测CPP患儿的生殖功能,消除患儿及家长的顾虑,提高治疗的依从性。
关键词: 性早熟;中枢性;卵巢储备功能

Evaluation of ovarian reserve function in girls with central precocious puberty

Authors: 1SI Caiyun, 1TAO Yuehong
1 Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University, Yangzhou Jiangsu 225001, China

CorrespondingAuthor: TAO Yuehong Email: ektyh520@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2018.11.034


In recent years, with the change of living environment and dietary habits, the incidence of precocious puberty is rising, and the incidence of girls is obviously higher than that of boys. Gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue (GnRHa) is currently the main treatment measure of central precocious puberty (CPP). Most studies focus on GnRHa’s impact on final height. However, there is less research about its effect on CPP girls’ ovarian reserve function. The outcome of ovarian reserve function can help predict the reproductive function of CPP children early, which will eliminate the anxieties of the children and parents, and improve the compliance of the treatment.
Keywords: precocious puberty; central; ovarian reserve function
