

作者: 1万君丽, 1卞薇, 1谭明琼, 1苏君, 1刘洋
1 陆军军医大学(第三军医大学)西南医院眼科,重庆 400038
通讯: 卞薇 Email: 664091353@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2018.09.023
基金: 重庆市技术创新与应用示范 ( 社会民生类一般 ) 项目 (cstc2018jscx-msyb0129);第三军医大学第一附属医院青年创新项目 (SWH2015QN04)。


目的:深入了解湿性老年黄斑变性(wet age-related macular degeneration,wAMD)患者治疗期生活体验,为建立针对患者治疗期的个性化连续性照护模式提供理论依据。方法:采用质性研究中的现象学研究方法,对2016年1至12月于陆军军医大学(第三军医大学)西南医院门诊就诊的21名wAMD患者进行半结构式访谈,采用NVivo 10.0统计软件,根据Colaizzi现象学分析7步法进行整理。结果:wAMD患者治疗期生活体验可归纳为无法控制的躯体症状、由消极到积极心态的转变和支持系统3个主题。结论:wAMD患者的治疗期生活体验充分反映现有健康管理模式的匮乏与不足,干预项目的设计和实施需充分考虑激发患者自我效能,满足个性化需求以及确保有效的医患沟通。
关键词: 湿性老年黄斑变性;生活体验;质性研究

Experience of people with wet age-related macular degeneration

Authors: 1WAN Junli, 1BIAN Wei, 1TAN Mingqiong, 1SU Jun, 1LIU Yang
1 Department of Ophthalmology, Southwest Hospital, Army Medical University, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China

CorrespondingAuthor: BIAN Wei Email: 664091353@qq.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2018.09.023

Foundation: This work was supported by the Chongqing Technology Innovation and Application Demonstration (Social and Livelihood General) Project (cstc2018jscx-msyb0129) and the First Affiliated Hospital of the Third Military Medical University Youth Innovation Project (SWH2015QN04), China.


Objective: To understand the life experience of people with wet age-related macular degeneration and provide reference for continuous nursing care. Methods: Phenomenological research design and semi-structural interviews were conducted to 24 people with wet age-related macular degeneration. Results: Three themes were found including uncontrolled symptom, changing from negative to positive and support system. Conclusion: People with wet age-related macular degeneration are under inadequate disease management. Full consideration about self-efficiency, individual needs and effective medical communication are needed when design and implement intervention for wet age-related macular degeneration.
Keywords: age-related macular degeneration; life experiences; qualitative study
