

作者: 1黄建华, 1彭波, 1刘敏, 1王光春, 1姚旭东, 1郑军华
1 同济大学附属第十人民医院泌尿外科,上海 200072
通讯: 彭波 Email: jianhua82@sina.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.04.013


目的:提高膀胱憩室癌的诊断与治疗水平。方法:报告一例膀胱憩室癌并文献分析,患者,男, 56岁,因“尿频、排尿不畅3个月,加重1个月”入院,术前超声及盆腔CT增强提示膀胱左侧壁多 发憩室。结果:入院后行膀胱镜检查,术中见其中最大憩室颈部新生物,宽蒂,大小约1 cm,呈 菜花样改变,表面有钙化坏死,活检提示为膀胱移行上皮癌,故行膀胱憩室切除及膀胱部分切除 术,术后病理为浸润性膀胱尿路上皮癌。结论:膀胱憩室癌是属于膀胱肿瘤的一种,病理学类型 相对复杂,目前诊断方法主要是影像学、内镜检查及病理学检查,治疗一般以外科手术为主,手 术方式有经尿道手术、膀胱部分切除术及膀胱根治性切除术,手术方式的选择依据肿瘤的病理学 类型及临床分期而定。
关键词: 膀胱肿瘤 膀胱憩室 诊断 治疗

Carcinoma in bladder diverticula: a case report and literature review

Authors: 1HUANG Jianhua, 1PENG Bo, 1LIU Min, 1WANG Guangchun, 1YAO Xudong, 1ZHENG Junhua
1 Department of Urology, Shanghai Tenth People’s hospital affiliated to Tongji University, Shanghai 200072, China

CorrespondingAuthor: PENG Bo Email: jianhua82@sina.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.04.013


Objective: To improve the diagnosis and therapy of the bladder diverticula carcinoma. Methods: To report a case of bladder diverticula carcinoma and review related literature. A male patient, 56 years old, was admitted to hospital for frequency and dysuria for 3 months. Two bladder diverticular were found on the left wall of bladder by CT and ultrasonic examination before operation. Results: Cystoscopic biopsy was performed in the first stage procedure with the diagnosis of urothelial cancer. In the second stage procedure, the tumor and bladder diverticular were executed by partial cystectomy, and pathological conclusion was infiltrated urothelial cancer. Conclusion: Bladder diverticula carcinoma was one kind of bladder tumor, and pathological types was complicated. Imaging, Cystoscopy and pathological examination were the main techniques. Surgical procedures include transurethral resection of bladder tumor, partial cystectomy and radical cystectomy, and the choice of surgical procedures should be according to the pathological types and clinical stage.
