

作者: 1袁春菊, 1余国龙
1 中南大学湘雅医院心内科,长沙 410008
通讯: 余国龙 Email: yuguolong123@aliyun.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2014.02.017


关键词: 心肌梗死;炎症反应;骨髓间充质细胞;调节

Dual effect of inflammation and regulation of bone marrow mesenchymal cells on myocardial infarction tissue

Authors: 1YUAN Chunju, 1YU Guolong
1 Department of Cardiology, Xiangya Hospital, Changsha 410008, China

CorrespondingAuthor: YU Guolong Email: yuguolong123@aliyun.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2014.02.017


Local inflammatory response after myocardial infarction plays a dual role in either leading to cardiac remodeling and dysfunction via aggravating myocardial ischemic injury or ameliorating cardiac repair by removing necrosis cells and matrix debris. It has been shown that transplantation of bone marrow mesenchymal cell effectively inhibits ischemia myocardial injury and promotes cardiac repair induced by inflammatory responses. This review provided an update on the preclinical experiments about the correlation between the dual role of the inflammatory response after myocardial infarction and transplantation of marrow mesenchymal cell in inflammation of myocardial tissue following myocardial infarction.
