

作者: 1杨喜艳, 2程宗勇
1 常德市第一人民医院消化内科,湖南 常德 415003
2 中南大学湘雅二医院消化内科,长沙 410001
通讯: 程宗勇 Email: chengzongyong@sina.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2014.06.025


结直肠癌(colorectal cancer,CRC)是常见的消化道肿瘤,也是世界性疾病。其高发病率和死亡率严 重威胁着人类的生命健康。目前,尚缺乏有效的早期筛查方法,以至于CRC患者的手术切除率和 生存率不高。近年来关于CRC的早期筛查的研究主要集中在血液中的大分子物质,如DNA、RNA 及蛋白质。本文通过将血液中可能成为肿瘤标志物的大分子物质的最新研究做一综述,以期在血 液中寻找出能CRC早期筛查的指标。
关键词: 结直肠癌 肿瘤标志物 早期筛查

Research of blood-based biomarkers for early diagnosis of colorectal cancer

Authors: 1YANG Xiyan, 2CHENG Zongyong
1 Department of Gastroenterology, First People’s Hospital of Changde City, Changde Hunan 415003
2 Department of Gastroenterology, Second Xiangya Hospital Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha 410001, China

CorrespondingAuthor: CHENG Zongyong Email: chengzongyong@sina.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2014.06.025


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a common gastrointestinal cancer, which is a world-wide disease. The morbidity and mortality rates due to CRC will seriously threaten human life and health. Nowadays, lacking of effective screening method to diagnose the colorectal cancer at early stage leads to surgical resection and 5-year survival rate very low. In recent years, research on early detection of colorectal cancer is mainly concentrated in the blood macromolecules, such as DNA, RNA and protein. The main purpose of this review is to investigate the potential application of blood-based biomarkers in early diagnosis, and to find indicators of colorectal cancer.
