

作者: 1杨小健, 1王煦, 1蔡义红
1 海安市人民医院护理部,江苏 海安 226600
通讯: 王煦 Email: wangxu_0603@126.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.07.030
基金: 南通市社会民生科技计划项目(MSZ18053)。


关键词: 护理专科联盟;Delphi法;方案构建;考核体系

Using Delphi method to establish the implementation plan of nursing specialist alliance

Authors: 1YANG Xiaojian, 1WANG Xu, 1CAI Yihong
1 Department of Nursing, Hai’an People’s Hospital, Hai’an Jiangsu 226600, China

CorrespondingAuthor: WANG Xu Email: wangxu_0603@126.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.07.030

Foundation: This work was supported by Nantong City Social Livelihood Science and Technology Plan Project, Jiangsu Province, China (MSZ18053).


Objective: To construct the implementation plan of nursing specialist alliance in primary hospitals. Methods: The first draft of the implementation plan of the nursing specialty alliance was constructed through theoretical analysis, literature review, and panel discussions. The two rounds of Delphi expert consultation method were used to define the implementation plan and assessment system of the Nursing Specialty Alliance. Results: A total of 15 experts were included in this study. After two rounds of Delphi expert consultations, the two rounds of questionnaires had a recovery rate and an efficiency of 100.00%. The two rounds of expert consultation put forward a total of 31 suggestions, and the research team adopted 24. Finally, it was clear that the implementation plan of the nursing specialty alliance includes 3 dimensions, 6 items, and 20 specific contents. Conclusion: The systematic and scientific method has clarified the implementation plan of the grassroots hospital nursing specialist alliance and provided a reference for clinical practice.
Keywords: nursing specialist alliance; Delphi method; scheme construction; assessment system
