
长链非编码RNA uc.299在心脏发育中的作用

作者: 1,2朱晓静, 2冯梦文, 2尹安雯, 3沈丹, 3王兴, 4李沄
1 南京中医药大学附属中西医结合医院病理科,南京 210028
2 南京医科大学第一附属医院心血管内科,南京 210029
3 南京市妇幼保健院医学研究中心,南京 210004
4 南京市妇幼保健院药剂科,南京 210004
通讯: 李沄 Email: liyunwater@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2017.06.006
基金: 国家自然科学基金, 81601333


目的:研究长链非编码RNA(long non-coding RNA,lncRNA)uc.299在P19细胞分化及斑马鱼心脏发育中的作用,探讨其与心脏发育之间的关系。方法:体外实验中,通过shRNA沉默uc.299后,检测对P19分化的影响;在体实验中,对斑马鱼受精卵显微注射uc.299反义寡核苷酸,观察对斑马鱼心脏发育的影响。结果:与对照组相比,沉默uc.299对P19细胞分化有明显的抑制作用,心肌细胞跳动频率降低,各心肌标志物表达水平有明显下调。斑马鱼实验表明,沉默uc.299可造成斑马鱼心脏明显水肿。结论:沉默uc.299可影响P19分化和斑马鱼心脏发育,表明uc.299对维持心脏正常发育具有一定作用。
关键词: 长链非编码RNA 室间隔缺损性先天性心脏病 P19 斑马鱼 作用

Effect of long non-coding RNA uc.299 on heart development

Authors: 1,2ZHU Xiaojing, 2FENG Mengwen, 2YIN Anwen, 3SHEN Dan, 3WANG Xing, 4LI Yun
1 Department of Pathology, Jiangsu Province Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanjing 210028
2 Department of Cardiology, First Clinical Medical College of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029
3 Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Medical Institute, Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Nanjing 210004
4 Department of Pharmacy, Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Nanjing 210004, China

CorrespondingAuthor: LI Yun Email: liyunwater@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2017.06.006


Objective: To investigate the function of lncRNA uc.299 in the heart development of zebra fish and differentiation of P19 cells. Methods: In in vitro experiment, the effect of uc.299 knockdown on P19 cells differenctiation were detected; and in vivo, after macroinjecting the zygotes zebra fish with uc.299 antisense oligonucleotide, the cardic development of the zebra fish was observed. Results: The differentiation and related cardiac biomarkers of P19 are reduced as well as the heart development of zebrafish post Knockdown of uc.299. Conclusion: The differentiation and development are influenced post knockdown of uc.299. It indicates that uc.299 may play a role in maintaining heart development.
