

作者: 1涂贵兰, 1文安智
1 贵州省人民医院病理科,贵阳 550002
通讯: 涂贵兰 Email: tgltgl2008@163.com
文安智 Email: 240531254@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.05.010


关键词: 淀粉样物质 喉部组织 皮肤组织 肾穿刺组织 特殊染色

In different tissues of amyloid 5 staining methods comparison


CorrespondingAuthor: TU Guilan Email: tgltgl2008@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.05.010


Objective: To explore the method of special staining of amyloid better. Methods: Using methanol Congo red, methyl violet, Bennhola’s Freudenthal’s Congo red, Congo red, alkaline Congo red those five staining, staining to detect amyloid protein in tissue sections under microscope. Results: The larynx tissue, skin tissue, renal biopsy by methanol Congo red, methyl violet, Bennhola’s Freudenthal’s Congo red, Congo red, alkaline Congo red respectively amyloid are dyed red but its bright degree is different, color the background of different degree. Conclusion: Laryngeal tissue, skin tissue, kidney tissue in the amyloid selection of special staining method of methanol is part of Congo red positive staining the most accurate and most distinctive background color, the cleanest method.
