

作者: 1周发琼, 1雷淑英
1 恩施州中心医院皮肤科,湖北 恩施 445000
通讯: 雷淑英 Email: leishuyingpifu@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2019.01.013


目的:评估布洛芬药贴涂抹对皮肤的刺激性和接触过敏性。方法:研究分为两个阶段完成:一阶段评估累计药贴对皮肤的刺激性;二阶段判断药贴的接触敏感性(过敏)。一阶段干预:符合条件的210例正常成年人(≥18岁)以随机方式在背部的左侧和右侧分别使用布洛芬药贴和安慰剂药贴。受试者分别在第1,3,5,8,10,12,15,17,19天接受上述药物的涂抹处理,在第22天时将皮肤上的贴剂全部清除,并在每次干预时对药物的皮肤刺激性进行评分(0~7分,0分为无刺激性,7分为强刺激性)。随后进入为期2周的药物洗脱期,在第36天时再次给予药贴处理,并维持48 h,记录第38,39,40天发生的不良反应事件。结果:一阶段布洛芬治疗的平均累计刺激评分显著低于安慰剂组(0.32:1.23)。布洛芬组发生3起(1.4%)3级及以上的皮肤过敏反应,低于安慰剂组27起(12.7%)。二阶段干预中,布洛芬组出现12起(6.2%)比一阶段更强烈的皮肤反应,而在安慰剂组中这一数据为4(2.2%);此外,布洛芬组发生1例2级以上皮肤过敏反应,安慰剂组发生2例。结论:布洛芬贴剂的皮肤刺激性和敏感性都在可接受的范围内。
关键词: 布洛芬;刺激性;敏感性;疼痛;膏药;安慰剂

Skin irritation of ibuprofen on healthy people

Authors: 1ZHOU Faqiong, 1LEI Shuying
1 Department of Dermatology, Enshi Central Hospital, Enshi Hubei 445000, China

CorrespondingAuthor: LEI Shuying Email: leishuyingpifu@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2019.01.013


Objective: To assess the irritation and sensitization potential of ibuprofen medication. Methods: This study had two stages. Stage 1 was to evaluate the irritant potential of continuous application of the plaster, and the challenge phase to assess contact sensitivity (allergy). The cumulative irritancy potential was evaluated using an adaptation of the Shelanski method. Healthy adults (≥18 years of age) (n=210) were treated simultaneously with one ibuprofen medicated and one placebo plaster applied in a randomized fashion to either the left or right side of the lower back. During the stage 1, plasters were applied on Days 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 19 and the final plaster removed on Day 22. At each scheduled visit plasters and applications sites were assessed for degree of adhesion and skin irritation (score of 0=no irritation to 7=strong reaction spreading beyond test sites), respectively. The stage 2 followed a two-week washout period. A plaster was applied on Day 36 for 48 hours and assessment occurred on Days 38, 39, and 40. Results: The mean cumulative irritation score during the stage 1 was lower for the ibuprofen medicated plaster than the placebo plaster (0.32 vs 1.23, respectively). Three (1.4%) subjects experience a dermal reaction of grade ≥3 for the ibuprofen medicated plaster compared with 27 (12.7%) for the placebo plaster. Following stage 2, 12 subjects (6.2%) with the ibuprofen medicated plaster and four (2.2%) with the placebo plaster had skin reaction of assessment grade higher than that in stage 1. One subject for the ibuprofen and two for the placebo plaster had reactions with grade >2. Conclusion: The findings indicate that the both the irritancy and contact sensitization of the ibuprofen medicated plaster is acceptable.
Keywords: ibuprofen; irritant; sensitization; pain; plaster; placebo
