
Does stomach have mesentery? Learning from gastric cancer surgery

	author = {Jian-Ping  Gong},
	title = {Does stomach have mesentery? Learning from gastric cancer surgery},
	journal = {临床与病理杂志},
	volume = {35},
	number = {1},
	year = {2025},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Objective: This study will first confirm the existence of mesogastrium (gastric mesentery) and then examine its architecture and suggest improvements in the surgical methods for excision of gastric cancer. Methods: By employing video laparoscopy, a number of proximal segments of dorsal mesogastrium were found being extensively scattered around the pancreas. In this study, these segments were histologically analyzed and studied. Results: The structure of the mesogastrium was identified intraoperatively and then confirmed both grossly and histologically after the operation. Conclusion: This study suggests for the first time a “Table Model” to describe the relationship between the stomach and gastric mesenteries. },
	url = {https://lcbl.amegroups.com/article/view/5023}