2015 年第 35 卷第 1 期

AME科研时间专栏 AME Groups Column

Translational Lung Cancer Research is indexed by PubMed
何朝秀, 黎少灵
HE Chaoxiu, LI Shaoling
AME专访 | 李勇:做一本小而精的手术笔记
AME Meet the Professor | Li Yong: writing a small but excellent surgical notebook
AME Art@Med | 寄给自己的梦想清单
AME Art@Med | Sending a dream list to ourselves
AME专访 | 方文涛:切除更少肺组织有利于病人 肺功能和生活质量?
AME Meet the Professor | Fang Wentao: do pulmonary function and quality of life of patients benefit from removal of less lung tissue?
黎少灵, 钟珊珊
LI Shaoling, ZHONG Shanshan
AME特邀来稿 | ESTS Master Cup 普胸外科界的世界杯
AME Special Contributions | ESTS Master Cup: World Cup in the field of general thoracic surgery
AME Interpreting STARD | How to write a standard test report of diagnostic accuracy?
AME梅奥访学003 | 世界只有一个梅奥
AME Visiting Scholar at Mayo Clinic 003 | Only one Mayo Clinic in the world
YU Guiping
AME 循证杂谈01 | 走出循证医学的八大误区
Evidence-based Medical Gossip 01 | Avoiding the 8 biggest mistakes of Evidence-based Medicine
ECMO: the story of extracorporeal life support (ECLS) in the past half century
AME国际病例001 | 胸壁滑膜肉瘤:病例报告及文献综述
AME International Cases 001 | Synovial sarcoma of the chest wall:a case report and literature review
Emna Braham, Slim Aloui, Samira Aouadi, Ikram Drira, Tarek Kilani, Faouzi El Mezni
Braham Emna, Aloui Slim, Aouadi Samira, Drira Ikram, Kilani Tarek, Mezni Faouzi El

论著 Original Article

Pathogen analysis in 340 children with respiratory viruses’ infections in Wuxi
葛小丽, 陈洪敏, 程娟娟, 高明珠, 过毅
GE Xiaoli, CHEN Hongmin, CHENG Juanjuan, GAO Mingzhu, GUO Yi
糖化血红蛋白对老年急性心肌梗死患者接受直接经皮冠脉介入 治疗远期预后的影响
Influence of glycosylated hemoglobin on long-term prognosis of elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with percutaneous coronary intervention
贾宁, 冯艳, 王明生, 洪衡, 谭丽玲, 赵霞, 王磊, 李明昌, 王河, 肖毅
JIA Ning, FENG Yan, WANG Mingsheng, HONG Heng, TAN Liling, ZHAO Xia, Wang Lei, LI Mingchang, WANG He, XIAO Yi
非小细胞肺癌患者外周血循环肿瘤细胞与临床特征关系的 初步研究
A preliminary study on the relationship between circulating tumor cells count and clinical features in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
万佳蔚, 沈洪远, 黄红宇, 韩志君, 严子禾, 高明珠, 黄新祥
WAN Jiawei, SHEN Hongyuan, HUANG Hongyu, HAN Zhijun, YAN Zihe, GAO Mingzhu, HUANG Xinxiang
Expression and correlation of CREPT and CyclinD3 in non-small cell lung cancer
李维妙, 夏靖华, 王雪娇, 王磊, 文苗苗, 孙盈, 范亮波, 邢昊, 程庆书, 张志培
LI Weimiao, XIA Jinghua, WANG Xuejiao, WANG Lei, WEN Miaomiao, SUN Ying, FAN Liangbo, XING Hao, CHENG Qingshu, ZHANG Zhipei
The study on the effect of comprehensive nursing care on quality of life and mood in patients with chronic renal ailure
WANG Xiaoqing
Cost-effective analysis for the imaging diagnosis of early femoral head necrosis
金磊, 胡柯嘉, 吴永伟, 芮永军, 陆尧, 孔友谊
JIN Lei, HU Kejia, WU Yongwei, RUI Yongjun, LU Yao, KONG Youyi
Measuring agreement in comparison of CA125 determined by three different immunoassay systems
张巧娣, 谢而付, 张燕, 凌芸, 蒋理, 徐华国
ZHANG Qiaodi, XIE Erfu, ZHANG Yan, LING Yun, JIANG Li, XU Huaguo
Landmark accuracy on CBCT-generated cephalograms and conventional lateral cephalograms
王宏伟, 闫明, 李创, 齐素青, 李磊
WANG Hongwei, YAN Ming, LI Chuang, QI Suqing, LI Lei
1 769例胎盘病理检查及临床分析
Clinical pathological analysis of 1 769 cases of placenta
陈芳芳, 李卫东, 张艳丽
CHEN Fangfang, LI Weidong, ZHANG Yanli
Effect of carvedilol on vascular remodeling in carotid artery-injured rats
袁向珍, 刘敏, 曹中朝, 包秋红
YUAN Xiangzhen, LIU Min, CAO Zhongchao, BAO Qiuhong
家庭长期无创通气治疗对重度慢性阻塞性肺疾病 稳定期的疗效分析
Long term domiciliary noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with severe stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
邹黎菲, 赵寅滢, 姜秀峰
ZOU Lifei, ZHAO Yanying, JIANG Xiufeng

综述 Review

The research progress of biochemical markers of osteoarthritis cartilage degeneration
夏红, 黄加强, 毛福青, 彭科, 胡旭
XIA Hong, HUANG Jiaqiang, MAO Fuqing, PENG Ke, HU Xu
Research progress of HIMF and related signal pathways in pulmonary diseases
方焱堰, 戴爱国, 蒋永亮
FANG Yanyan, DAI Aiguo, JIANG Yongliang
The current endocrine therapy for breast cancer
王娟娟, 李建, 柴源, 刘斌
WANG Juanjuan, LI Jian, CHAI Yuan, LIU Bin
Advances in surgical treatment of pulmonary metastases
沈建飞, 杨成林, 何建行
SHEN Jianfei, YANG Chenglin, HE Jianxing
Research progress of sphingosine-1-phosphate and lung disease
戴芳芳, 朱黎明, 戴爱国
DAI Fangfang, ZHU Liming, DAI Aiguo
Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase 37
蔡枫, 施毅
CAI Feng, SHI Yi
MALDI-TOF MS技术在临床微生物检验领域的应用进展分析
Application of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry in clinical microbiology laboratory
曹艳, 黄一灵, 徐艳玲, 顾兵
CAO Yan, HUANG Yiling, XU Yanling, GU Bing
Radio-sensitivity and individualized radiation therapy in esophageal cancer
祝鸿程, 葛小林, 杨跃骅, 陈晓晨, 张皓, 杨艳, 杨曦, 秦嗪, 陈佳艳, 孙新臣
ZHU Hongcheng, GE Xiaolin, YANG Yuehua, CHEN Xiaochen, ZHANG Hao, YANG Yan, YANG Xi, QIN Qin, CHEN Jiayan, SUN Xinchen
以糖蛋白类肿瘤标志物为靶向的嵌合抗原受体 修饰T细胞研究进展
Research progress in chimeric antigen receptor modified T cells targeted glycoprotein tumor marker
莫然, 王东进
MO Ran, WANG Dongjin
Minimally invasive cardiac surgery
孙晓宁, 王春生
SUN Xiaoning, WANG Chunsheng
Research progress of Treg/Th17 and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
田静, 戴爱国, 蒋永亮
TIAN Jing, DAI Aiguo, JIANG Yongliang
CT-guided percutaneous puncture: techniques of accessing intrathoracic difficult-to-reach regions
陈利华, 黄学全
CHEN Lihua, HUANG Xuequan
Advances inIntercellular adhesion molecule-1 and bronchialasthma
邓艳凤, 朱黎明
ZHU Liming
Research Advance of Small Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors
吴晶晶, 张声
wu jingjing, zhang sheng
Tristetraprolin and Cancer
丁维珂, 张小蓉, 涂剑, 向蕾
DING Weike, ZHANG Xiaorong, TU Jian, XIANG Lei