

作者: 1佘伟萍, 1杨伟鹏, 1刘奕深, 1林钒
1 潮州市中心医院肾内科,广东 潮州 521000
通讯: 佘伟萍 Email: 20671224@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.10.022


关键词: 血液透析 血液灌流 维持性透析 甲状旁腺激素 钙磷代谢

Effect of hemodialysis combined with hemoperfusion in treating uremia caused by phosphorus and calcium metabolism disorders in maintenancing hemodialysis patient

Authors: 1SHE Weiping, 1YANG Weipeng, 1LIU Yishen, 1LIN Fan
1 Department of Nephrology, Chouzhou Central Hospital, Chaozhou Guangdong 521000, China

CorrespondingAuthor: SHE Weiping Email: 20671224@qq.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.10.022


Objective: To analyze the importance of hemodialysis combined with hemoperfusion, and discuss the efficacy on the treatment of phosphorus and calcium metabolism disorder in the patients of maintenancing hemodialysis. Methods: All of the patients treated with maintenancing hemodialysis in our hospital during 2015 were selected. A summary of 100 patients with chronic renal failure were chosen and randomly classified into the control group (n=50) and the experimental group (n=50). The control group were treated with hemodialysis, While experimental group were treated with hemodialysis combined with hemoperfusion. The serum concentration of BUN, Scr, complement C3, β2-MG, P, Ca and P product, iPTH, 1,25(OH)-D3, Alb, TC, Hb, RBC between the two groups were compared. Results: BUN, Scr, complement C3, β2-MG in two groups were improved significantly, while no statistical difference were found between the two groups; The indicators of phosphorus and calcium metabolism in experimental group at post-therapy became better than that in pre-therapy and in post-therapy of the control group. The indicators of nutritional status in experimental group at 3, 4 months after therapy were better than that of pre-therapy and the control group. There was no significant difference in the nutritional status of the control group. Conclusion: The hemodialysis combined with hemoperfusion can help flush out toxins and correct the disorder of calcium and phosphorus metabolism and improve the nutritional status, it’s worthy of clinical promotion.
