

作者: 1李莉, 1胡纯, 1孙林
1 中南大学湘雅二医院肾内科,长沙 410007
通讯: 孙林 Email: sunlinnwu11@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.06.021
基金: 国家自然科学基金, 81370832 国家自然科学基金


关键词: 粒细胞 糖尿病 线粒体生物起源 活性氧 线粒体动力学 线粒体自噬

Progress in the study on mitochondrial regulation of pancreatic β-cell function

Authors: 1LI Li, 1HU Chun, 1SUN Lin
1 Department of Nephrology, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410007, China

CorrespondingAuthor: SUN Lin Email: sunlinnwu11@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.06.021


All forms of diabetes share the common etiology of impaired pancreatic β-cell insulin release to meet the high demands of peripheral tissues. In pancreatic β-cells, mitochondria serve to integrate the metabolism of exogenous nutrients into energy output, which eventually leads to insulin release. As such, mitochondrial dysfunction underlies β-cell failure and the development of diabetes. Mitochondrial regulation of β-cell function occurs through many diverse pathways, including metabolic coupling, maintenance of mitochondria mass, generation of reactive oxygen species , and through interaction with other cellular organelles. In this chapter, we will examine the factors responsible for mitochondrial biogenesis and degradation and their roles in the balance of mitochondrial mass in β-cells. Furthermore, we will focus on the importance of enzymatic regulators of mitochondrial fuel metabolism and control of mitochondrial mass to pancreatic β-cell function, describing how defects in these pathways ultimately lead to diabetes. Clarifying the causes of β-cell mitochondrial dysfunction may inform new approaches to treat underlying etiologies of diabetes.
