

作者: 1李丹丹, 1肖艳玲
1 武汉大学附属中南医院感染科,武汉 430071
通讯: 肖艳玲 Email: 703977157@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.07.030


目的:探讨艾滋病合并外科急腹症患者的快速康复护理方法。方法:回顾性分析2012年7月至2015年7月42例艾滋病合并外科急腹症的患者的临床特点及护理对策。结果:38例患者围手术期经快速康复外科(fast track surgery,FTS)护理治疗(术前患者心理干预;避免胃管、尿管的置入;减少术中引流管留置、术中液体控制、体温控制;术后胃肠功能、肺功能的加速康复、疼痛的管理、切口的管理、管道的早期拔除),未出现院内感染及其他重大并发症,护理治疗效果满意,康复出院。4例因重度的免疫功能缺陷,术后出现难以控制的腹腔感染后继而多器官功能衰竭死亡。结论:快速康复护理治疗可减少艾滋病合并急腹症患者的术后并发症,降低围手术期病死率,促进患者术后早期康复。
关键词: 艾滋病 急腹症 围手术期 快速康复

Fast track nursing of patients with AIDS complicated with acute abdomen during perioperative period

Authors: 1LI Dandan, 1XIAO Yanling
1 Department of Infectious Diseases, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China

CorrespondingAuthor: XIAO Yanling Email: 703977157@qq.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.07.030


Objective: To investigate the perioperative nursing methods on AIDS complicated with acute abdomen diseases. Methods: 42 cases of AIDS complicated with acute abdomen diseases from July 2012 to July 2015 were studied, the clinical features of patients and nursing treatment were analyzed. Results: 38 cases were healed without nosocomial infection and other serious complications by fast track nursing treatment (preoperative psychological intervention; avoid gastric tube, urine tube placement; reduce intraoperative drainage tube indwelling, intraoperative fluid control, temperature control, accelerate postoperative gastrointestinal function, rehabilitate pulmonary function, pain management, postoperative incision management, early removal of pipeline). Four cases with severe immune function defects suffered uncontrollable abdominal postoperative infection and multiple organ failure which led to death. Conclusion: Fast track nursing can prevent postoperative complications, reduce perioperative mortality and promote the fast-tract recovery on patients with AIDS complicated with acute abdomen diseases.
