

作者: 1夏红, 1黄加强, 2毛福青, 3彭科, 2胡旭
1 湘潭市中心医院 骨外科 湖南 湘潭 411100
2 湘潭市中心医院 检验科 湖南 湘潭 411100
3 湘潭市中心医院 急诊科 湖南 湘潭 411100
通讯: 夏红 Email: 271424370@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.01.022
基金: 湘潭市科技厅科研课题, ZJ20141008


目前,国内外学者对骨性关节炎的发病机制进行了大量的基础研究,而对于骨性关节炎软骨分解 过程仍然保留了很多疑问,目前尚缺乏一种生化指标物来检测软骨退化的进程。本文就近些年来 国内外专家学者对于探索这种生化标志物最新研究成果作一综述。同时展示我们最新研究成果, 希望有助于我们更近一步阐述清楚软骨退化机制,同时发现一种或两种特异性及敏感性高的生化 标志物来检测软骨退化过程。
关键词: 骨性关节炎 软骨退变 生化检测指标

The research progress of biochemical markers of osteoarthritis cartilage degeneration

Authors: 1XIA Hong, 1HUANG Jiaqiang, 2MAO Fuqing, 3PENG Ke, 2HU Xu
1 Department of the Orthopaedic, the Central Hospital of Xiangtan City, Xiangtan Hunan 411100, China
2 Department of Clinical Laboratory, the Central Hospital of Xiangtan City, Xiangtan Hunan 411100, China
3 Department of the Emergency, the Central Hospital of Xiangtan City, Xiangtan Hunan 411100, China

CorrespondingAuthor: XIA Hong Email: 271424370@qq.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.01.022


Domestic and foreign scholars have make large amount of basic research on the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis at present, but for the decomposition process of osteoarthritis cartilage still retains a lot of questions, so that there is no a biochemical marker can be used to detect the process of cartilage degeneration. In this paper, we will review the latest research results about exploring the biochemical marker at home and abroad in recent years. Show our latest research results at the same time. We hope it could help us further to interpret the mechanism of cartilage degradation, it could also help us to find one or two biochemical markers to detect cartilage degradation process.
