

作者: 1陈桂芳
1 武汉市第三医院光谷院区骨外科,武汉 430077
通讯: 陈桂芳 Email: chenguifanggf@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.05.032


关键词: 健康教育 腰椎间盘突出症 康复

The application for health education to improve the rehabilitation of patients with lumbar disc herniation

Authors: 1CHEN Guifang
1 Department of Bone Surgery, Optics Valley Hospital District, Wuhan Third Hospital, Wuhan 430077, China

CorrespondingAuthor: CHEN Guifang Email: chenguifanggf@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.05.032


With the social environment and people’s lifestyle changed, the incidence of lumbar disc herniation is increasing. The surgery rate is also increasing. However, as a stressor both in psychology and physiology, plus nerve injury, surgical trauma and spinal physiological changes after surgery, if we cannot take good care and education timely and effectively, surgery may cause motor dysfunction, induce or aggravate complications, and further lead to a pain in patients with psychological and physiological. Health education is an important guarantee for the rehabilitation of patients with lumbar disc herniation, and can improve the curative effect and reduce the recurrence. Health education can also reduce the incidence of anxiety and depression, improve the function of lumbar of patients and the quality of life of patients. The optimization and popularization of health education programs can make benefit to patients with lumbar disc herniation.
