

作者: 1吴永芳, 1许春伟, 1宋业颖, 1班怡, 1张博, 1邵云, 1李晓兵
1 军事医学科学院附属医院病理科,北京 100071
通讯: 许春伟 Email: xuchunweibbb@163.com
张博 Email: zenwo@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.07.035


关键词: Taqman-ARMS方法 结直肠癌 KRAS基因 NRAS基因 BRAF基因 突变率

The molecular pathology examination analysis of KRAS, NRAS and BRAF gene mutation in colorectal cancer

Authors: 1Wu Yongfang, 1XU Chunwei, 1SONG Yeying, 1BAN Yi, 1ZHANG Bo, 1SHAO Yun, 1LI Xiaobing
1 Department of Pathology, Affiliated Hospital of Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing 100071, China

CorrespondingAuthor: XU Chunwei Email: xuchunweibbb@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2015.07.035


Objective: To investigate the mutations of gene subtypes of KRAS, NRAS and BRAF gene in colorectal cancer. Methods: Taqman-ARMS was used to test the tissues in 101 cases of colorectal cancer with paraffin tissue KRAS, NRAS and BRAF gene mutation. Results: The total mutation rate of KRAS gene was 42.57% (43/101) in colorectal cancer. KRAS gene mutation rate of codon 12 in exons 2 was 29.70%; KRAS gene mutation rate of codon 13 in exons 2 was 12.87% (13/101). NRAS gene mutation rate of codon 12 in exons 2 was 3.96%; the total mutation rate of NRAS gene was 3.96% in colorectal cancer. NRAS gene mutation rate of codon 12 in exons 2 was 0.99%; NRAS gene mutation rate of codon 13 in exons 2 was 0.99%; and NRAS gene mutation rate of codon 61 in exons 3 was 1.98%. The total mutation rate in BRAF gene was 3.96%. Conclusion: The mutation rate of KRAS gene is high in colorectal cancer, but NRAS or BRAF gene mutation is low in colorectal cancer. The people of KRAS, NRAS and BRAF gene detects for the choice of treatment in patients with colorectal cancer is of great significance, can effectively guide precision medical individualized treatment.
