

作者: 1吴慧, 1李红枝, 1毛建文
1 广东药学院生物学教研室,广州 510006
通讯: 毛建文 Email: jianwenmao@hotmail.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2014.05.035
基金: 国家自然科学基金, 31371144, 81170339, 30800435


ClC-3是电压门控性氯离子通道家族的成员,主要作为容积激活性氯通道通过调节容积激活性氯电 流[Cl,(vol)],调节细胞体积,细胞膜电位等影响细胞增殖。近年的研究发现ClC-3也可通过调节有丝 分裂前凝集 (premitotic condensation,PMC) 过程,或维持细胞囊泡酸化和细胞内氧压,或作为调 控因子通过Akt-GSK-3β信号通路和CaMKII调节的信号通路等途径参与细胞增殖的调控。
关键词: ClC-3 细胞增殖 氯离子通道

The mechanism of ClC-3 proteins on cell proliferation

Authors: 1WU Hui, 1LI Hongzhi, 1MAO Jianwen
1 Department of Biology, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou 510006, China

CorrespondingAuthor: MAO Jianwen Email: jianwenmao@hotmail.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2014.05.035


As a member of the ClC voltage-gated chloride channel family, ClC-3 mainly act as a volume-actived chloride channel to affect the cell proliferation by regulating the volume activation chloride current, the cell volume and membrane potential and so on. In recent researches, the study found that ClC-3 can also be involved in the regulation of the cell proliferation via several other mechanisms, such as regulate the process of premitotic condensation (PMC), maintain intracellular vesicle acidification and the oxygen pressure, act as a regulatory factor involved in the Akt-GSK-3β signaling pathway and the signaling pathways regulated by CaMKII.
