

作者: 1宋小琴, 1刘敏, 1梁芳, 1胡平安
1 中南大学湘雅三医院内分泌科,长沙 410013
通讯: 胡平安 Email: hupagx@163.com


关键词: 脂肪组织工程;支架;细胞外基质;人脂肪组织细胞外基质粉末

Latest progress in the study of extracellular matrix as scaffolds in tissue engineering

Authors: 1SONG Xiaoqin, 1LIU Min, 1LIANG Fang, 1HU Ping’an
1 Department of Endocrinology, Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410013, China

CorrespondingAuthor: HU Ping’an Email: hupagx@163.com


Currently, defect in bodily integrity is a common phenomenon due to congenital faultiness, trauma or tumor excision. Thus, tissue engineering is attracting more and more research attention. Scaffold is an essential element of tissue engineering. Extracellular matrix powder of human adipose tissue has a three-dimensional structure and can promote stem cells proliferation, differentiation, newborn blood vessel formation and growth factors release, which is becoming new material for tissue engineering scaffold.
