

作者: 1翟晋芳, 1郭燕蓉, 1童国平, 1李媛, 1赵畅, 1杨卫华, 1郭沁香
1 山西省肿瘤医院呼吸一病区,太原 030013
通讯: 郭沁香 Email: 1911932798@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.03.042


山西省肿瘤医院呼吸一病区收治1例IV期非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)患者。患者,男,50岁,于2012年10月初无明显诱因出现刺激性咳嗽、咳痰。正电子发射计算机断层显像(positron emission tomography-computed tomography,PET-CT)提示:右肺上叶癌,右锁区、纵隔及右肺门肿大淋巴结转移。全身多发骨质破坏。病理(右肺穿刺物)检查示腺癌。变性高效液相色谱 (denaturing high performance liquid chromatography,DHPLC) 示EGFR19外显子突变。一线治疗给予培美曲塞二钠联合顺铂全身化疗6周期,无进展生存期(progression-free survival,PFS)为8个月;二线治疗予吉非替尼,PFS为42个月;三线治疗继续口服吉非替尼,PFS为4个月;四线治疗予口服AZD9291,PFS为11个月;五线治疗予吉非替尼联合阿帕替尼,PFS为2个月;六线治疗行右上肺楔形切除术,术后病理示:BRAF V600E突变,出现头颅转移,给予培美曲塞二钠+顺铂全身化疗2周期,并予同步左侧额叶、左侧顶叶转移灶大分割调强放疗,PFS为3个月;液滴式数字聚合酶链式反应(droplet digital polymerase chain reaction,ddPCR):T790M(+),七线治疗口服奥希替尼联合培美曲塞单药化疗2周期,疗效评估为部分缓解(partial response,PR),目前仍在随访中。
关键词: 非小细胞肺癌;T790M突变;全程管理

Whole-course management of a case with advanced non-small cell lung cancer

Authors: 1ZHAI Jinfang, 1GUO Yanrong, 1TONG Guoping, 1LI Yuan, 1ZHAO Chang, 1YANG Weihua, 1GUO Qinxiang
1 Respiratory Ward 1, Shanxi Cancer Hospital, Taiyuan 030013, China

CorrespondingAuthor: GUO Qinxiang Email: 1911932798@qq.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.03.042


A patient with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was admitted to the Respiratory Ward 1 of Shanxi Cancer Hospital. A 50-year-old male, developed irritating cough and sputum in early October 2012 without obvious inducement. Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) showed carcinoma of the upper lobe of the right lung, metastasis of enlarged lymph nodes in the right locking area, mediastinum and right hilum. Multiple bone destruction throughout the body. Pathology (right lung biopsy): adenocarcinoma. Denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC): EGFR19 exon mutation. At the first line, pemetrexed disodium sodium combined with cisplatin was given for 6 cycles of systemic chemotherapy, PFS 8 months; second line gifitinib, PFS 42 months; the third line continued to take gefitinib orally PFS 4 months; oral AZD9291, PFS 11 months; five lines to gefitinib and apatinib, PFS 2 months. Right upper lung wedge resection was performed on the sixth line. Postoperative pathology showed BRAF V600E mutation and cranial metastasis. Pemetrexed disodium + cisplatin systemic chemotherapy was given for two cycles. Droplet digital PCR T790M (+), seven-line oral oxitinib combined with pemetrexil monotherapy for two cycles, and the efficacy was evaluated as PR. Currently, oxitinib has been taken orally, during follow-up.
Keywords: non-small cell lung cancer; T790M mutation; whole-course management
