

作者: 1,2于文春, 1卞薇, 3王宗华, 1万君丽, 1谭明琼
1 陆军军医大学第一附属医院眼科,重庆 400038
2 重庆北部宽仁医院眼科,重庆 401121
3 陆军军医大学护理学院野战护理系,重庆 400038
通讯: 卞薇 Email: 664091353@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.03.026
基金: 重庆市技术创新与应用示范(社会民生类)项目(cstc2018jscx-msyb0129)。


目的:比较斜视儿童生存质量自评和他评结果的差异,为其生存质量的准确评价提供依据。方法:从某大型三甲综合医院选取112例斜视儿童,采用斜视儿童生存质量量表对其进行自我评定和父母及监护人他评,并比较分析结果差异。结果:斜视儿童生存质量自评和他评总分及各维度得分均有统计学差异(P<0.05),进一步亚组分析发现女性儿童自评和他评总分与社会心理维度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且自评分低于他评分;年龄13~17岁的斜视儿童自评和他评总分与各维度评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),自评分低于他评分;有复视和弱视的患儿自评和他评总分与社会心理维度得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),自评分低于他评分;相关因素分析显示:斜视患儿生存质量自评和他评总分与各维度呈低度相关(r=0.156, P=0.043),心理社会维度自评与他评不相关(r=0.07,P=0.73),视觉功能维度的生存质量自评和他评呈低度相关(r=0.216,P=0.016)。结论:斜视患儿生存质量自评和他评得分存在明显差异,且儿童的生存质量自评更能客观反应其真实性。因此,应充分结合其父母或法定监护人的他评结果,来全面了解患儿的生存质量,从而为制定更有针对性的干预措施提供科学依据。
关键词: 生存质量;斜视;儿童;自评;他评

Comparative of self-evaluation and preceptor-evaluation of quality of life in strabismus children

Authors: 1,2YU Wenchun, 1BIAN Wei, 3WANG Zonghua, 1WAN Junli, 1TAN Mingqiong
1 Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital of the Army Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China
2 Department of Ophthalmology, Chungking General Hospital, Chongqing 401121, China
3 Department of Field Nursing, School of Nursing, Army Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China

CorrespondingAuthor: BIAN Wei Email: 664091353@qq.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.03.026

Foundation: This work was supported by the Chongqing Technology Innovation and Application Demonstration (Social Livelihood) Project, China (cstc2018jscx-msyb0129).


Objective: To compare the results of self-assessment and other assessment of quality of life of strabismus children, and to provide the basis for accurate assessment of quality of life of strabismus children. Methods: A total of 112 cases of strabismus children were selected from a large class a general hospital. Results: There were statistical differences between the scores of self-assessment and other assessment and the scores of each dimension in the quality of life of strabismus children (P<0.05). There was a statistical difference between the self-evaluation and the total scores of other scores of strabismus children aged 13–17 years and the scores of each dimension (P<0.05), and the self-evaluation was lower than the scores of other children. Children with diplopia and amblyopia had statistical difference between the total scores of self-evaluation and other evaluation and the scores of psychosocial dimensions (P<0.05), and the self-evaluation was lower than others. The analysis of related factors showed that the quality of life of children with strabismus was significantly lower than that of others (r=0.156, P=0.043), the psychosocial dimension was significantly lower than that of others (r=0.07, P=0.73), and the visual function dimension was significantly lower than that of others (r=0.216, P=0.016). Conclusion: there is a significant difference between the scores of self-assessment and other assessment of quality of life in children with strabismus. Therefore, the quality of life of children should be fully understood based on the evaluation results of their parents or legal guardians, so as to provide scientific basis for formulating more targeted intervention measures.
Keywords: quality of life; strabismus; children; self-evaluation; preceptor-evaluation
